@King Tai @ZayZe As Grukk asked James about his name and ability James looked back at the tall orc to reply. [color=gold]"My name is James Cabuelo, I am head chef to the mayor of this city as of now. But I really want to be able to learn more about cooking during my travels and experience the world! As for my ability I use White Magic meaning Healing and Light element spells. The reason I ask for your help is simply due to my lack of strength and close combat experience, I believe a team for all three of us would be beneficial to us all."[/color] Looking over to the man Jag as James smiled saying [color=gold]"As for your sword that's my way of making things up to you."[/color] Hearing words he wished he didn't hear about a dark lord from outside. [color=gold]"No! That can't be!"[/color] James said as he ran out the door seeing the site before him. It was true, A servant of Nerull had appeared before the Chosen of Light! James despite not telling the others about his fate as chosen had told them about his powers. But James felt afraid as he couldn't help but shiver and shake at this site. James was chosen but also still a young boy. James needed to feel safe indoors next to these strong people he just didn't feel cut out to be chosen now that something like this was happening. [color=gold]"This can't be happening, it can't!"[/color]