[center][h3]Abandoned Warehouse 31/5/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Two...?"[/color], [color=magenta]"That's right... I'm sensing two in there..."[/color], everyone was here plus Akane who recently joined. There seemed to be a new situation, where two people were in the mirror world... [color=magenta]"This has happened once before but..."[/color], her tone seemed to become more somber as she drifted off. [color=royalblue]"But that's not important... What's important is we have a lot more people than when we started out... Speaking of which, he's late"[/color], as soon as he finished saying that, the door to the warehouse swung open, revealing a moderately dressed man. His figure was lean yet large, posture excellent, and short hair. Nothing seemed to really stand out from him other than his overbearing figure. In his hands he was holding a few things. [color=brown]"Sorry, the line at the convenience store was long"[/color], [color=royalblue]"I didn't ask you to go to the convenience store Tadao"[/color], [color=brown]"I thought it'd be nice if we had something to eat. I wasn't sure how much to buy so I bought things that can be shared"[/color], [color=royalblue]"Ugh... Well in any case, now that we're all here we can coordinate two rescue teams. Rui, you will charge on dungeon, while I will scout out the other with another party, everyone else left will stay and protect Megumi"[/color], [color=magenta]"But... I can only keep track of one party and dungeon at a time..."[/color], [color=royalblue]"I'm well aware, which is why I said scout"[/color], his tone was visibly a little annoyed. Something seemed to irritate him, was it Tadao who was late? Or the two-dungeon dilemma? [color=royalblue]"Ah right... This is Tadao. I'll be taking him and Riku to scout the second dungeon. We'll decide which to go first when we get inside"[/color], everyone paid their greetings to Tadao who politely returned them, and with that settled everyone armed up and set off. [hr] [center][h3]Hospital Street 31/5/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Strawman Hospital... and Heartbreak Hospital...?"[/color], this was a unique sight. The dungeon area was a street, with two hospitals on either side. If your eyes followed the complex, it looked like they connected somewhere in the middle... Whether or not they did in a world with such nonsensical physical values, was up for question. In any case, they had a few minutes to decide party setup. Kazuki had already begun scouting out Heartbreak Hospital, as it was decided Rui and his party would go down Strawman Hospital. They weren't sure who was in which, heck if these were both connected, exploring and finding the final area may be a more arduous task than anticipated, so having two parties to cover more ground was a good idea. In any case... Who was to be in his party...? So far it was him and Akane, but the last two slots go to whom...? Perhaps Chiaki, and then bring Leiko for healing? Yeah that makes sense. He made his announcement on party composition, so now everyone had a few moments to prepare themselves. Matthew seemed to be very very okay with being left out, because of the two hospitals, and for some reason so was Noboru... He didn't seem to have fond memories of the hospital. Ironically Akane was just in a hospital up until mid way last week, so she wasn't so keen, but she probably needed the experience.