[center][color=00aeef]~Alandria~[/color][/center] [center] As [b]Al[/b] was enjoying her warm cup of coffee, she was gazing lazily outside the window, bouncing her gaze between the little square and her deer. She soon noticed some traffic at the blacksmith shop, but she couldn't see further for a wheel wagon was in the way. It didn't concern her too much, for she decided to consider it as a busy day and nothing more, yet something didn't feel right. It was then that she saw her deer groaning and pacing left and right in frustration. Always trust the animals, they do know better. The birds on the trees were flying panicked and she spotted two or three dogs some meters away from the blacksmith's shop barking and jumping around in anxiety. She of course got the message. [i]Something was going really really wrong.[/i] At the perfect timing the wagon moved away and offered her view of the shop. She of course couldn't possibly miss the fight; she was too far to tell who was who and what exactly was going on but she noticed two or three big guys, and a lot of blood. She wouldn't waste any time watching the show, if anyone could call it a show at all. Al stood straight on her legs and paced quickly to the door. She caught the sides of the doorframe with her arms and leaned forward in order to have eye contact with the nurses. [color=fdc68a][i]"WE NEED MEDICAL DRAYS! PREPARE TWO OR THREE WAGONS!"[/i][/color] She hurried to her office and grabbed her sack, then headed to the medicine room. [color=fdc68a][i]"I need morphine, syringes, lancets, needles, alcohol, thread."[/i][/color] She talked out loud as she picked what she needed. [i][color=fdc68a]"Codeine, andrenaline, alprazolam."[/color][/i] She got out of the medicine room and heading to the entrance of the hospital, she stopped briefly and oppened a door and leaned in. [i][color=fdc68a]"We have acetylsalicylic acid deficiency. I need to have plenty within the next hour."[/color][/i] She closed the door beside her an kept pacing until she reached the nurses. [i][color=fdc68a]"Are the wagons ready?"[/color][/i][/center]