Kimberly Chambers arrived on the ship of course late but of course it was not her fault,In fact it was the fault of her A.I not helping her fix the boosters of her ship the Queequeg.She looked about on the ship looking for the docking station while she was radioing the people on the docking station that she was suppose to be on board but was of course late. "God damn it im suppose to pilot your fuckin ship let me speak to your CO..i wanna talk to her or him" She sounded serious now hovering her ship closer to the doors of the docking station,[i]"Do you think this is a good idea?I do not think angering the person you are suppose be working for will work in your favor?"[/i] The A.I named Ahab spoke in a posh English accent."Of course it's a good idea and i wouldn't be late thank you buddy" She barked pointing towards him with her little A.I bot. [i]"Not my fault you cannot fix the carbonate engines.." [/i]The A.I quiped back at her as the two waited to speak to the CO of the ship.