[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/b/b0/Guardians_of_Knowhere_%282015%29_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20150309210137[/img][/center] [i]Indeed my friend. Now let us be gettink to work.[/i] She had no doubt that as soon as they caught the Kree responsible for this, or caught up to him rather, she would likely leave the Guardians behind. So many had died, she did not want to be responsible for the death of this group of misfits. Though she couldn't help but feel naught but respect for Cosmo. He finally had his freedom, after who knew how many years and he was deciding to spend it saving people. She smiled a sad smile as she entered the strange vessel, had she known this at another time perhaps he himself could have become a member of the Nova Corps and would no doubt have been great at it. Though that time had passed. She looked around the inside of the ship as she entered, the window sealed where the trollish woman had jumped out. "So, what've you got?" "Do you mind informink her, Mister Machine Man?" Cosmo asked, as he climbed back into his seat, before frowning slightly at the sight of the sealed hatch that had once been the front window. Turning, he gave a disaproving look at Troll, who had also just slumped into the room, dragging her axe, Jarnbjorn, behind her. In return, the Asgardian girl shrugged her shoulders, before falling down onto her back, not even flinching when her body hit the metal floor of the ship. [hr] [center][img]http://dynamiccomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/banner-64.png[/img][/center] Wilson waved his hand and a quinjet headed towards them, yes technically they both could fly but sometimes it was nice just to take a ride. He wasn't sure if the alien felt the same way but... he was in charge. Somehow. "Next, Fury had an idea and I'm actually going to hand it to our fearless Director it wasn't half bad." He led the way into the back of the jet, putting his shield down on one of the seats as he gave the pilot a pat on the shoulder indicating that he was ready to go. He took a seat in the main cabin, pulling his helmet back off his head, it hung loosely on the fabric that joined the unit to his head. He would have preferred if it wasn't connected to the rest of the uniform. Sadly there were certain [i]design elements[/i] that went into being Captain America, apparently. "We're going to put together a team. You saw what happened today, and the bad guys are starting to punch harder. I mean there's that Hulk thing and they're saying he's the strongest there is, no offense Milton." He shrugged. He pulled a screen round confront of it and loaded people up, pulling up a dossier and image as he did so. "Henry Pym Jr, alias: Ant-Man. Can change his size, control ants. Bit of a science geek, his dad did some spy work back in the day. Fury wants him as a consultant [i]only[/i]." He pushed the file to the side, bringing another one up. "You'll have seen this one on the news: Agent Victoria Parrington, Valkyrie. She's one of our own." He pushed the file to the side. "Agent Clint Barton, Hawkeye. Another one of ours but Fury has other plans for him, he really just wants to see if he can cope in our environment. I'm not entirely sure if he'll be game for it but we can but ask." He pushed that file to the side again bringing up another, smaller file. "Miss America. We took her into custody with another, she's not from around here. From an alternate unvierse much like yourself. She may be young, but she's got power and experience. I'll have her for as long as she's planning on sticking around on this Earth. The other she came in with, Thor she calls herself is currently on the watch list. She's been... roughing the place up a bit." He pulled another dossier up, it was really just a name and a blurry image. "Loki however, while she claims he is a villain seems to have been doing some good. I'd be interested in seeing what he's all about. Mark him down as a possible." He groaned as he brought the final report up. "This one, is one Fury won't let me back out off I'm afraid." He brought up the image. "Tony Stark, A.K.A Iron Man, A.K.A the most arrogant bratish kid in the history of arrogant bratish kids. I want him only as a consultant, I don't care what his suit can do he's not set for this line of work. I'd sooner take a man the size of an insect into a fight rather than him." He leaned back, stretching his legs. It was nice to just relax for a bit. "Now I remember you said something about having your own team before, and this certainly isn't that team. Though you think we can cut it?" [hr] [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbj9h991FA1rg3g1lo4_1280.jpg[/img][/center] "HULK!" There was nothing but void, he could faintly feel himself being moved and worked on. This wasn't going to go well, for anybody. If they got their hands on whatever in his blood created the Hulk... or even managed to somehow take the Hulk from him and put him into one of the mutants... he shuddered to think what they could and no doubt would do. There'd be destruction, chaos and death. This was exactly the opposite of what he wanted in his life. Gamma energy was the path to free sustainable energy, it was the way to go. Though naturally the only way into the field was military contracts, what was the harm in making a bomb that would only ever be used as a threat anyway? Of course he had become the bomb, he had become the threat. "Hulk! I need to speak to you." Green punctured the void, in an attempt to punch him. He stretched out his hand in a gesture to stop, the gargantuan fist stopping just before it made contact. "Hulk, we can't keep doing this." He could see the Hulk thinking about it, weighing his options. Or maybe he hadn't fully understood the question, while the Hulk was strong he wasn't exactly smart. [b]"Hulk don't know what Puny Banner speaking about."[/b] Banner just sighed and lowered his hand, and head. "You can feel what they're doing can't you?" [b]"Yes."[/b] "We can stop this Hulk, we need to stop this." Hulk just turned away from him, with what really sounded like a sigh. If a sigh could sound threatening and like it could knock the wind out of you anyway. [b]"Hulk don't care."[/b] Banner just shook his head, that wasn't entirely true. He remembered flashes of what the Hulk did, and the media helped. "You do care, you don't like people being hurt. You don't like being seen as a monster." Hulk turned and growled at that, moving towards Banner at a fast walk, every twitch of muscle threatening. [b]"Hulk not monster. Banner monster."[/b] Well, there was truth in that. Hulk was just the creation of his environment, what kind of environment did he live in? One where everyone feared him, saw him a monster. Tried to hunt him, to kill him. Just as Banner had been trying to do since the day the accident changed him. Perhaps Hulk was right, perhaps he was the monster. He was the one who tried to make the gamma bomb anyway. "Hulk, we need to get out of here. Though we can't do it alone." Hulk just snorted at that, the closest the goliath had ever gotten to laughter. [b]"Hulk strongest one there is!"[/b] Banner just smiled at that. "Yes, yes he is. Though you forget one very important thing Hulk. Something that can help us get out of here." Hulk just looked at him, puzzlement clear on his face as he was trying to work it out. "Hulks strongest one there is, Banners one of the smartest people there is." Banner pointed between them. "Together, we can escape." To his surprise, Hulk nodded. [b]"Together."[/b] [b]"But then Banner let Hulk free."[/b]