[@Damiann47] Sorry to hear that Also with Laxynd, assuming you do join in once we get the plot ironed out, means the minimum of three people I usually do with roleplays means we can start it [@Magnato] I'd also like to hear your opinions on the roleplay's plot and such as you've yet to give your own opinion on the matter. === Assuming no one has anything to throw out I will be going with this: Neutral Faction intending to take over the empire or root out corruption within it. Imperial Arms will be allowed assuming they are within reason and aren't completely broken. You will also need a reason to have acquired the imperial arms within your bio. We will be made up of people consisting of former imperial soldiers, former or current rebels, or simply individuals who are highly skilled and will be working under a former imperial officer looking to install a new regime into place by more subtle means. This is not by any means a definite thing yet it's just what I can work with off the top of my head. I'd find it interesting to play as Imperial Soldiers or Rebels myself.