[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Dx40srSmxY[/youtube][/center] The strike from his opponent came, and with quite the bang indeed! The explosion of force devastated a section of stalagmites and kicked up quite the mess of debris along with it. By now a thin cloud of mibs had gathered around him inevitably allowing Serenity to sweep through them in the process. As designed they immediately set to work constructing clones using the nearby landscape itself as a resource. The added advantage Anchor Stance lent was not only did it allow for a powerful defense, but lead naturally to Jumbled Lineup, however that would have to wait for later. The three bolts of lightning sprung forth, easily outpacing the debris of stone work, then curved inward at the last moment, seemingly drawn toward the sword in Khazna’s hand. The moment his sword came down during its swing the bolts suddenly vanished without a trace. The focal point of power Khazna could see clearly, allowing the thread it had been merged with to be cut thus leaving the entire effect to simply cease to exist. During this four sword clones began to spin into creation, a pair on either side of him. Following the momentum copied from the first Khazna had cunningly utilized the collisions between the swords to keep them aloft, effectively creating the effect of a cog of sorts. Wheels within wheels as it were. Thus the Jumbled Lineup in its infancy. However, as the bolt of magic born lightening had been absorbed and dissipated. The effect of flying debris like so many biting flies was another matter. Something most unexpected even if his defence allowed him to nullify a great deal of its power. Bits of flying stone flew through the mist of mibs, losing mass and momentum as the nanomachines ate away at them. Still there were moving too fast and his own mist of mibs was to light to effectively deal with the threat. The pseudo pellets struck the right side of his shoulder, denting the shoulder pads before striking into the right side of his chest and abdomen. Damaging the armor padding there with fairly superficial cuts and dents. He had likely come off better for wear thanks to the combination of mibs and spinning blades. Still, unlike nearly every opponent before now. This mage fellow had actually managed to land a blow of sorts upon him. Now that’s how you used magic! He could see he was dealing with no novice of the craft. Tablurath felt the impacts of the stones, though since they lacked the cutting edges or raw velocity power of real case fragments his suit had been designed for, he was able to ignore the jolts of pain they caused. So he did not dare slow in his movements. He began keeping track of the time it took before the next casting in the back of his mind. Able to narrow it down to the very nanosecond if need be. At least he would pick up any variations for each spell type used. His right handed sword blade struck out at one of the spinning swords before him, estimating the angle with precision and skill born from long practice. While his left hand pulled a grenade free from his belt. [color=black]“Nice try,”[/color] he voiced. That struck sword was sent whirling away end over end some thirteen feet away and some fourteen feet high and climbing. His mind having already predicted distance and estimated the time it would take along with the now primed grenade in his left hand. His body dropped, leaving his knees bent as he prepared for his opponents next spell. His eyes zeroing in on the focal points of magic the thread of energy would take. He recalled his opponent had demonstrated the power to summon fire, and stone in the first match. However, he could only assume the man knew more forms of magic and elemental spells as a true arcanist. Given Tablurath’s current surroundings he could imagine any of those offensive spells would be useful to use here. He’d have to hedge his bet so to speak.