[quote=@Altered Tundra] [center][img]http://www.csnchicago.com/sites/csnchicago/files/shocked_gif.gif[/img][/center] Quite the impressive display you have here. It must have taken you forever to find all the right images for each NPC. With that being said, I fully and wholeheartedly intend to join this. [/quote] Thanks, I actually pulled a two all-nighters to get this done a couple of months ago [quote=@Sloth] While I still curse my schedule, I'll keep an eye on this one and see if I can make something happen. :gray [/quote] Don't worry, this will probably be slow moving due to my schedule as well I also should warn you guys I have the worst luck ever and my computer might be damaged at some point or something will happen where I'll have to be absent for a week, (which happened to the first two times I did this RP) BUT I am dedicated to this and will take an F in a class if I have to XD