[h2]Hibiki[/h2] Hibiki attacked her bento with a ferocity that would seem almost inhuman if not for one of the people that happened to be in the tree right above her head, even with other people showing up and Damian literally dropping in. Nothing had been addressed to her and as such filling her stomach took precedence over getting involved in the conversations, especially as this was a surprisingly delicious lunch for something grown from the tree--particularly the rice, though that was probably just her biases. The first inkling that this wasn't just a dream came when the insectoid shapes came into view. Not because dreaming of large amounts of monsters was unlikely for the schoolgirl, but rather because they were the wrong [i]type[/i]; if any hordes were going to turn her dreams into something more nightmarish, it would be the Noise. Listening to Ranma, along with the Chinese girl, gave Hibiki some idea of what was going on--if not a good one, and still not fully convinced that this wasn't a dream. But Hibiki was still Hibiki and with civilians in danger, along with monsters to hold off, she knew exactly what she had to do. The short phrase the girl sung was nothing but gibberish, except for the name 'Gungnir', yet it was enough to initiate a bright transformation that replaced her uniform with something far more athletic, and with rather bulky add-ons to her limbs. And, for some reason, headphones. Unfortunately, for anyone in the area that might have a dislike of j-pop, she was [i]still singing[/i], [url=https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B43fxUI74rdpWXFRV1dNZjRIUFE/edit]music and all[/url]. That was when the magical girl took off towards the encroaching insects, taking only a few steps before leaping the rest of the way. Whilst in flight, the springs on one arm drew back as she prepared her own punch. Hibiki's 'landing' only came after slamming her fist into one of the insects, followed by the piston releasing to amplify the impact immensely. Unfortunately, whilst the punch was more than capable of taking out [i]one[/i] enemy, it couldn't do anything to stop the rest from surging onwards, even as she spun around to roundhouse the nearest.