It was a tall building- But then, weren't most buildings, in this city? Didn't matter, mission timer was on the go, and the target was moving. Two men sprinted along a rooftop. One held a pistol and a pair of high power binoculars, and the other held a fifty caliber sniper rifle. One of the men pressed his thumb into his earpeice, activating it. "Target is moving, Command." "[i]Pursue[/i]," The answer came from the other end of the line, "[i]fire at will[/i]." "Yessir." The two men kept running, taking breif pause to leap between the gaps of two buildings. The two men ran in silence, not even looking at each other. Both had thier eyes glued on a man in a simple suit, walking at a leisurely pace on the streets down below. "Martinez." One adressed the other, singaling to a reasonably open spot on the rooftop. The two ran to it, the one with the sniper rifle laying down, setting up the rifle on a tri-pod. The other, Martinez, crouched beside him, bringing the binoculars. "Wind speed is nill," Martinez said, "Target moving at roughly a meter per second." "Roger." The sniper responded, staring down the scope. "Aimed?" "Ready." "Fire." Martinez gave the order, and the shot rang out. In a few miliseconds, a man now lay, dead on the street, his head burst wide open. --- The news that night would tell of a man, shot in the head, for unknown reasons. Could contractors be invovled? Find out more on the 10 o' clock news.