RP: I'll Be Miles Away [hider=Savannah Sullivan][color=gray][center][color=7ea7d8][h1]|SAVANNAH "SULLY" SULLIVAN|[/h1][/color] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8tilxXoL11r3stzgo2_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=7ea7d8]Age:[/color] [indent]Seventeen[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Gender[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Sexuality:[/color] [indent]Bi-curious[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Brief History:[/color] [indent]Savannah Sullivan was born to highschool sweethearts Emily and Johnny Sullivan. She was born and raised in a small town in Alabama where she spent her time volunteering at animal shelters and retirement homes. Her family lived in the suburbs surrounded by neighbors that often got together to play poker and watch the football games, hollering over Alabama vs. Auburn matches. To everyone surrounding her, she lived a Barbie's life in a dollhouse - perfect. But, behind the curtains, her mother drank heavily and her father holed up in his "office." Savannah wasn't stupid, she knew that her parents had fallen out of love a long time ago, yet she ignored it and pretended that they were the happy family people assumed them to be. She coerced them to take Christmas photos and gather around for holidays, she begged them to go to restaurants with her so she could update her facebook status with a picture of them eating, and, even though they never remembered, Savannah even gave them gifts on their anniversaries. She was in denial about her whole life and though, deep down, she knew, she pretended that she didn't. Even when she was alone, she wouldn't allow herself to think for a second that her family was breaking apart. When Savannah was accepted into St. Mary's Academy, she had hoped that in some way it would bring her family together. That the joy of her being accepted into her parents' alumni would convince them to reminisce and fall in love again - she was disappointed when they didn't. Savannah's denial was so great, that she went into great lengths to avoid her home, she herself not knowing why - she would often say that she loved to help, but in actuality she was looking for a distraction. She would volunteer to tutor other kids that were having trouble, she would help teachers around at the school, she did anything she could to stay away from her little dollhouse. When she heard of the penpal project, it became another way to ignore her family life, though she cited her eagerness to join as a "hope for new experiences" and to "learn about other cultures." [/indent][/color][/hider]