[quote=@Love Me Dead] She whimperwd a bit and backed into the house, [color=fff200]"You're being too loud... the fence is borken so now they can get up here."[/color] She looked very upset at this point, [color=fff200]"G-Get in the house."[/color] It was obvious she was pretty smart when it came to these things, she had gotten most of it from her father. Opening the door up all the way she motioned for them to come in and then motioned for them to be quiet. Her clutch on the doorknob shook slightly, she was terrified of people now. [/quote] Mr Taggart took the end of hostilities as his cue to let his rifle down, the sling was detached, so he settled on a one-handed field-carry in his left-hand as he approached the person calling themselves Patrick Willis, and accepted the handshake to introduce himself as he snuck into the house as per the little girl's instructions, "William Taggart, from Wisconsin. Land of the deep-fried cheese-curd." Looking inside, he promptly found a place to set the eleven pounds of wood and steel down where it wouldn't tip-over, a nice corner or up against the molding of a door-frame would do. [@LPFan]