[hider=Meiling] [color=Crimson][h3][u]Basic Information[/u][/h3][/color] [color=Crimson][b]Name:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Meiling Chiou (Chiou Meiling, 邱美零)[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Meiling[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Age:[/b][/color] [INDENT]26[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Height:[/b][/color] [INDENT]5'6"[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Weight:[/b][/color] [INDENT]114[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Home District:[/b] [/color][INDENT]From out of town[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=Crimson][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Brown[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Korean/Russian[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Meiling is a leggy brunette with milky-white skin, athletic body, proeminent hips and small breasts. Her oval face is followed by brown eyes, with epicantic folds around, traits of her Asian descent, and a small aquiline nose. Meiling has long hair, straight, and in a jet-black color. She has scars scattered throughout her torso and a few in her arms and leg.[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Attire:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Meiling dresses casual, as someone who do not want to draw unwanted attention. Her choice of attire consist in any combination of sneakers, tank tops, hoodies and jeans. She's no fashion expert and she dresses as she can, always buying the cheap and comfortable over the expensive cool clothes. She has a love for plaid shirts (no matter gender) and most of the time she wears it open with a plain shirt below followed by jeans and sneakers. As agent, Meiling takes advantage of a number of disguises but her main apparatus consists of dark, casual clothes, a variety of black hoods to hide her face, three-fingered leather gloves and a recurve bow made of layers of fiberglass laminated around a yew core.[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=Crimson][b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Meiling is focused, strong-willed, cautious and above all a discreet person. She's a woman of no emotions when she is needed—most of this thanks to her training. Although deadpan, she follows her own philosophies of only using violence when necessary. The years of hard training made her a person of few words as hers combat skills were honed in what is today and she was forced to set her charisma aside. Her shallow personality is accompanied by egoistical thoughts of her profession. If it's not personal, she won't get involved.[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Training.[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Skills/Talents:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Meiling can speak Japanese fluently and English though with accent. Both languages she learned while enduring her training in the temple (She has no memory of her past in Russia). The training she endured transformed her into a master of zen archery, possessing almost superhuman precision. A technique that also made her remarkably fast when shooting; some sort of quick zen trance to clear the mind. Meiling is also proficient in hand to hand combat and with guns. Her training not only granted her amazing athletic feats but prepared her to peform stealth missions such as recovery of information, extraction or even assassination of key targets.[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Prized Possession:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Her recurve bow (made by her).[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Quote(s):[/b][/color] [INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]History/Bio:[/b][/color] [hider][INDENT]Meiling was born in Hong Kong, in 1989, daughter to Seo Sung Hyo, an unknown Korean prostitute who due to the poor living conditions ended up selling her when she was two years old. Eventually the child was adopted and she became the only daughter to Konstantin Wila, not only an affluent businessman of prosperous oil industries in the old Soviet Union but also Bratva's patron which guaranteed to him all the wealth and influence in the newly formed Russia. Meiling grew to be the daughter that Konstantin's wife could not give him, Catherine Wila. She had the best education and was created as a spoiled child with all that money could give. What Konstantin's wife did not know was that she was part of a debt he had with the cabal; Konstantin would be the responsible for taking care of the girl until "further notice" by the Russian cabal. The very day she became a metahuman. She was four year old when she accidentally teleported herself for the first time. In a heartbeat she left the comfort of her room and ended up in the city park. The swirling sensation caused by the traversed distance was followed by dizziness, nausea and the bitter cold of Moscow's winter. In the following weeks her father was approached by a group of cabal representatives. They wanted the child back. As predicted the child developed metahuman ability and, as agreed, they would take her to Japan, by force or not. She was handed over to a secretive clan of assassins clan based on Tokyo with the purpose of having her ability improved and become a killer, a mere pawn in the hands of the cabal. In the following years she was brainwashed into a assassin. Forgetting her past, Catherine became Meiling Chiou, the daugther to Manchu Chiou, the the man who would become her master in the Way. Although she did not show improvements with her teleport ability she became a skilled in the zen archery. Meiling's determination has paid off. She was only nineteen when she was sent in her first mission, track down a defector soviet agent believed to be in the possession of a dangerous mutagenic formula. The pursuit led her to London, where Vadim Yanovich intended to to deliver the substance to local authorities. Upon arriving at the location she found that the scheme was much bigger than she expected. The american NEST, the Russian newly formed Коммиттее, the English MI18 and even the French CNM (Comité Nationale des Métahumains). A lot of agents representing the highest global metahuman organizations of the time, all prepared to ensure the safety of the dissident agent. The expectations became worse when she found that others assassins and infiltrators were also behind the case that the agent was carrying, no one could be trusted. What she discovered changed her life; the mutagenic was about altering the human DNA. She killed the soviet agent and, before she could get the briefcase with the mutagen, she was defeated by the hands of a unknown metahuman and eventually arrested by NEST agents. The prison was off the books. When the NEST group heard her story they became interested in her help. they teamed up and started a hunt to find the mercenary who was with the mutagenic, before he could hand the serum to his client; Meiling and her new NEST partners tracked down the mercenary in a warehouse and confronted him. NEST came out victorious, recovering the formula and and eventually defeating the mercenary. The confrontation took its toll and Meiling was injured seriously. She managed to escape, teleporting away and eventually she was put on NEST wanted list. the fiasco at the hotel and the battle against the mercenary proved to be a burden to her. In the same year of 2008 she abandoned the temple hopefully to live an ordinary life. She tried to live a quiet life and raise her family but eventually the league found her. Her daugther was only two years old when she had to return to the League, abandoning her husband. She worked for the League until 2014, when her debt was paid. A glimmer of hope finally came in 2015 when Meiling tracked her daughter in Verthaven; she managed to stay off the grid, becoming a complete stranger to her daughter and even to the city itself. But was only a matter of time before the chaos in Verthaven arise and she realize that she can't run off her past.[/INDENT][/hider] [color=Crimson][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=Crimson][b]Family:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Konstantin Wila — Adoptive father (Deceased) Aleksandra Wila — Adoptive mother Seo Sung Hyo — Biological mother (Unknown fate) Chiou Manchu — Decelerate time ability — Master Sara Willis — Metahuman aura recognition — Daughter[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] [indent]Basically your character's relationship with other characters. [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} |[/indent] [color=Crimson][h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=Crimson][b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [INDENT]—Other (Teleportation)[/INDENT] [INDENT]Meiling has the ability to traverse long distances. She have no problem teleporting her clothes and carried objects such as bags or backpacks. At great risk to herself she can also carry additional mass up to the weight of another person. Her teleport also leaves a scar that looks like a crimson smoke that dissipates in seconds leaving only a heat haze. The scar will eventually go away on its own. Each teleportation can be different depending on the mood and determination of Meiling. When attempted while mad, sad, or in a rush the teleportation can cause extreme damage to the environment, causing cracks in walls and ceilings and destruction of nearby objects. While easy traverse can happen when she is in a good mood and a calm state of mind.[/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Limits:[/b][/color][INDENT][list][*]First, the teleportation Meiling is not a skill that she can abuse freely. She needs some time after a teleport to be able to use it again. [*]To traverse anywhere Meiling need to be able to visualize where she is going. This can be made easier by having photographs of the desired location or by her own familiarity with the destination. [/list][/INDENT] [color=Crimson][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color] [INDENT][list][*]Meiling is vulnerable to electricity. When in contact with it, she can't teleport, as it interferes with Meiling's nervous system and pulls her back whenever she try to teleport. It also causes great pain and injures them more every time as she tries to teleport. [*]When teleporting in short distances Meiling will have dizziness, nausea, nosebleed and even fainting. This is as dangerous as carriyng another person or teleporting twice in a row. [*]Her teletransportation is not a stealth weapon. Its clumsy and somewhat noisy.[/list][/INDENT] [color=Crimson][h3][b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [INDENT][/INDENT] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVf7NBncUy0[/youtube] [/hider]