[hider=Vessa CS] [b]Name:[/b] Vessa Fairwraith [b]Element:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Fire[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/652a/f/2013/191/f/3/wizard_girl_by_hokunin-d2n0by9.jpg[/img] Vessa has beautiful but very intimidating face, she is missing one eye and her expressions range from crooked smiles to enraged snarls her remaining eye is a blue-green and her hair is a long strawberry blonde which seems to billow behind her in the wind almost like a cape. she stands at 5'7 and has slim but wiry muscular build, she wears a revealing almost red-brown skin tight tunic thats allows her freedom of movement and covers some of her head with a burgundy cowl. Theme Song: [b]Vessa's Theme:[/b] [hider=Fires of The Burning Past] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=795zBGz2cis[/youtube] [/hider] [b]Nature:[/b] Vessa is a manipulative, rude, violent girl, with a terrible temper, and vengeful nature. She enjoys fighting a lot, mainly because she revels in seeing her opponents in pain. She is also very greedy and in particular likes to use cunning and violence to obtain money. In spite of this though, she detests true evil and cruelty, her narcissistic personality makes her view others actions as immoral but excuses herself as she feels whoever she wrongs deserves it in one way or another. [b]Backstory:[/b] Vessa's father Jayke was a psychopath from Makai a small and miserable town in the south eastern reigion of the wisdom mountains, a nasty brutal cutthroat who took advantage of the post-war country to fill his own mad desires. Because of his impressive combat skills (with the battle axe) he would be one of the few men in the town who could not be bullied or intimidated by the roaming orc gangs from the south and would kill quite few before they eventually left him and his part of town alone. He would then use this notoriety to bully and intimidate the locals into giving him 'protection money' and force many of the local women to give him 'favours' for his service to the town. After murdering a respected priest in one of the bars he fled to Vevian to escape a group of bounty hunting orcs from the realm of spiritus raptor who the town paid a great deal to kill him. He decided to flee to the comparitively harmless town of Insaid, on the ship there he raped a slave girl named Fait working in the gallows. This slave girl would swear revenge on Jayke and escaped the ship and followed him secretly while she gave birth to and raised his child Vessa, vowing to kill the man who raped her... After causing too much trouble in the insaid capital (within a year), Jayke had to take leave before the city guards caught up to him, so he headed to the one country where his nasty habits would fit in...Vevian. Fait and her baby daughter followed him to the dreaded country, planning to ambush him the first opportunity they got, which didn't come for 7 years. But on one very hot summer night as Fait and her daughter slept in the room above the tavern Jayke was drinking in, he was tipped off by the bartender that a woman and child were following him. Jayke entered the room in a drunken rage, and thumped into the room which woke up a 6 year old Vessa who was on the other side of the room terrified. Jayke snapped the slave woman's neck like a twig before she even got a chance to wake up and threw her out of the tavern window to make it look like suicide. Jayke didn't see his daughter Vessa, but she saw him, as she was silent in shock just witnessing the murder of her mother, he was just as Fait described, strong, tall and with the face of a demon. Vessa vowed revenge. Sadly now with no parent to look after her, she spent the next ten years stealing and fighting to survive, along the way she was adopted into a group of pirates who tried to turn her into a prostitute at age 14, but she attacked and killed her first 'client' but not before he stabbed her in the eye. She ran through the streets screaming until picked up and nursed by a priestess who took her to the local monastery, she lived there for 3 years, learning much about religion and history and studied martial arts with the monks, which made her even more dangerous than she already was. She left the Monastery when her powers awakened around the time before her 17th birthday, the pain and burning rage that she felt in the pit of her stomach since she saw her father kill her mother had finally manifested into real unlimited fire, the monks attempted to exorcise her as the felt she was possessed by a demon but with her new powers she easily overwhelmed them, [i]now she was was fully ready to take the world on all by herself.[/i] [b]Goal(s):[/b] Vessa vows to find and kill her father, and anyone like her father, ironically in the path she has taken to murder him she has become very similar to him and has inherited his violent streak and his controlling behavior. [b]Inventory: [/b] Iron Knuckle Dusters 5 Explosive capsules A small knife that she sheaths near her thigh Lockpick Red Bandanna to hide her face. [/hider]