It does Autharyx a world of good to have Viltez assure him he did nothing wrong. Now that he knows his host’s nervousness has nothing to do with Autharyx’ manners, it becomes a little easier to enjoy his flustered state. He makes a fair attempt to hide a smile- no need to be impolite after all- but his eyes aer still glued to the beastman as he stammers through his explanation. He can’t help but see a bit of fear as a compliment, especially when it is coupled with the admission that he is [i]looking forward to it[/i]. Autharyx is thoroughly unfamiliar with the concept of being nervous when thing are going well, but he is very well acquainted with his presence invoking fear or nervousness, so he can work with this. “Thank you for telling me, Viltez,” he says solemnly. There is vulnerability in admitting to weakness, and AUtharyx never knew he could feel flattered by such a thing rather than feeling the smugness such a realisation usually brought him. “It seems that what ‘should be’ is not something that applies to our situations as often as it might to others. I propose we have both grown up to be… different-” he very carefully did not say ‘better’ “-from most people, and as such I propose we ascribe more value to what feels okay to [i]us[/i] rather than what everyone else has decided ‘should be’.” It’s not like he ever had any intention to pay attention to the opinions of insignificant little humans, but he doubts saying so will go over well with his host. And if letting go of ‘should be’ might entice him to say more about how he likes the idea of sleeping together or having his tail pet, Autharyx is more than happy to listen to those admissions. “As it is, I also find myself looking forward to the new experience of spending a night with someone other than myself.” He tried for a smile, hoping it wouldn’t come over too eager. “If you are worried for me, I would appreciate to hear it so that I can assuage your worries. I can assure you I am quite sturdy.” After those words he considers the shirt in his hands for a while, before discarding it with the rest of his clothes. It was going to be hard enough to sleep with pants on, so he might as well not make it any more difficult for himself. He made sure not to move into Viltez’ space as he walked over to the bed, and just made himself comfortable on one side of the bed while still leaving room for his host. The instinct that wanted him to gather his possessions close so no one could try to take them away, was one better left ignored in this case.