Metz noted the wind kicking up around him even as everything around him seemed to be moving in slow motion. The side effect of his Mana use was something akin to a hyper stimulant, the result, he had reflexes far surpassing his norm. Therefore, he was able to note the danger of the launched sword and avoided it in a simplistic fashion, using the heightened gravity to drag himself to the ground far quicker than normal. His legs purposely buckled, dropping him into a low crouch even as the swordsman seemed to disappear. “Wha-“ Metz gripped his pistol in both hands and turned, right foot dropping forward in his crouch as his left pivoted to support him as the sword hurtled over his right shoulder and behind him, the point narrowly missing his flesh but its own speed reducing its effectiveness as it was unable to revolve fast enough to threaten him before it was already safely past him. He had caught movement off to his left hand side, and had to react quickly before the dust storm once again severely disadvantaged him. Lacking the required time to even consider how his enemy had ended up in the air off to his left he sighted what he knew was coming, the grenade, and fired with a practiced ease. It was a difficult shot, but aided by the fact that it was an incoming target. The Mage knew he had struck true as his bullet ricochet off the metallic sphere about ten feet from his position and caused it to reverse its momentum, likely broken by the impact as it flew back towards its owner. As far as Metz knew it was an explosive, and sending it back where it came from was ideal. That was the last thing he saw as the dust cloud engulfed the field, once more returning him to darkness as it buffeted his clothes and forced him to turn away from the incoming winds. He re-cocked his pistol and fired out into the dust in the direction he calculated his enemy would hit the ground, provided he dropped straight down after whatever strange ability he had used to seemingly teleport. Crouched in the stone circle Metz knew he could be face to face with his sword-wielding enemy in a matter of moments, he had to hope his reflexes could save him, from what he had seen thus far the man could be upon him before he had time to cast a spell. He counted out exactly one second after firing, his mind preparing the circle.