Salvete, one and all, I have been thinking, for quite a few days now, of beginning my very first NRP; an NRP that I intend to set within the time period of the Ancient/Classical world of the time. This will [b]not[/b] be an AU, and there will be [b]no[/b] fantasical elements - so if you dislike history, just don't bother reading any further. That being said, I do not expect people to run out and buy £70 Routledge Press Monographs, nor do I expect anyone to know every detail of every period off-by-heart. That is why I, and possibly other co-GMs (depending on any interest this does/does not get) will be around to help you with any queris or questions you might have. Now, here are the four options I was thinking of (please note that I am incredibly bad with any sort of stats, therefore any NRP I do create will likely be statless, or have the barest of anything to do with numbers.) Option 1) The Peloponnesian War: each player take a city-state, major or minor, and must guide it to glory or ruin. Diplomacy, economy and military skills will be needed to survive - especially if you are one of the lesser powers. Option 2) Diadochi: Alexander's empire has fallen apart with his death, now his generals fight over the carcass like rabid dogs. Players will be able to take the role of the major powers, as well as client/vassal states/powers. Option 3) Something Roman: Likely the Roman Republic, possibly the first civil war (Octavian VS Anthony), or perhaps even something to do with the empire. The invasion of Britannia did spring to mind. Option 4) Dark Age/Arthurian Britain: The Germanic invaders have gained a foothold on the eastern seaboard, the Irish and their ilk raiding and invading from the west, and in the middle all those Roman-British and Celtic communities once dominated by the falling Roman Empire. So, four options, feel free to pick two (or three), as well as any ideas you might have. Thank you for reading.