Kylie takes the first explosion for a fuel tank sparking off, or perhaps a car, under all the smoke. Still, she's doing a god job sucking up the flames, that should let emergency services through- Then there's a girl next to her, lying on a sparkling cloud, asking her what she's up to. "Uh... hi. I'm fighting the fire." Kylie has to suppress an instinct to tell the girl to get away from the danger, but someone floating on a cloud has clearly gone through the same thing as her. Did they crash into a strange mutagen, or something? The HUD inside her helmet 'scans' the girl, and tells Kylie this girl is like her... as though that wasn't obvious. Her visor opens to show her face, and the display is replaced with an understanding. The girl is controlling the glass... the girl is like her... Kylie's foot-jets fade to a cosmetic glow, and she stays hanging in the air. Gravity is for other people. She doesn't need the armour either... but she does like the way it looks. "Aleksandri... wait, how did I know your name? Do you have any idea just what the heck is going on?" Before she can get an answer, there's another explosion. Kylie looks down, and this time even though there's thick smoke in the way, she knows whats on the other side. There's a man, a man like her and Aleksa, throwing more explosions, undoing her work, risking more lives. Her helmet snaps closed again, the HUD showing her distances, heats, nearby points of interest. "It can wait! I have to stop him!" Kylie lands around twenty feet in front of Johnathan on one hand and one knee, cracking the ground with the force. She slowly stands, points her finger at him and commands "Stop!" [@The ghost in black] [@ZB1996]