The Doctor didn't know how Jack knew that they needed help, But he was thankful for it, He held onto his friend and made sure Donna was too. He coughed a bit and smiled "Ok never mind just glad to see you, I wasn't sure how we were going to get away fast enough," He didn't like that Vortex Manipulator, It never felt good to travel by either, he just knew that it was there only way out right now. "Ready?" Jack asked them, He pressed something on his vortex maniuplator after he had made sure both Donna and The Doctor were hanging onto him. He was worried about how ill the Doctor looked. He then transported them to the TARDIS. The Doctor groaned when they arrived and had a hand on his stomach. Travelling by that device when he felt sick, hadn't really helped, "I hate that thing, But for once I am glad of it, otherwise we would have been stuck." He though looked serious and he narrowed his eyes "I thought I disabled that after our last trip." He sighed and shook his head. Jack was grinning still , he looked sheepish "I fixed it, I promise I don't use it much. There was this time I was at risk of getting stuck and needed it. But never mind that, Lets get you to the med bay," He helped Donna get the Doctor into the TARDIS. Seeing the sick look on the Doctor's face, he knew that the bathroom or a bucket might be needed before much else was done. He could see the Doctor's back was bleeding and that he was very ill. "If your this ill, why were you even doing exploring planets." He didn't seem to worry about them visiting him and was more worried about the Doctor's health. Once inside he sets the Doctor on the bed in the med bay and grabbed a bucket, He was lucky he had as the Doctor was immediately throwing up soon as he was passed the bucket, He looked at Donna and smiled "Good to see you again Donna."