Hello there everyone, I'm Mai and not new to Roleplayer Guild but thought it'd be nice to do an intro since I can't remember my account deets for the life of me. It's funny because my real name is actually Mai because I've got some Native American Indian and other cool schtuff in me but look as pale as notebook paper (shout out to all the mixed people out there). I'm 21 and living somewhere in the Four Corners States but don't bother guessing or asking because I treasure my privacy. I've been roleplaying for awhile now but since I haven't been writing as much as I'd like to, I'd guess I'm sort of intermediate of not a little more? I love almost all genres but my niche really lies in science fiction. Apart from roleplaying, I love sports, video games, reading, listening to and discovering music of all kinds (it's my passion and my "yoga"), and anime (I don't read manga), family time, and being a goofball with my dog Jacks. It's nice too meet'cha all. TGIF! [sup]Or not. Depends where you live. But hi.[/sup]