Alex followed after the strange man, keeping in stride as she crossed her arms over her chest as she walked. As he spoke about the rooms, she gave a soft grunt in reply. [color=red]"It's alright."[/color] she replied simply. Her mood wasn't high enough to bother with admiring the ship or the rooms. Perhaps if none of this happened, she'd probably would of acted more excited or awestruck. But right now she just wasn't in the mood for such things. Too many other things to think about, and she could feel her blood boiling. Though some of it she couldn't really understand it. Perhaps she was just in a agitated mood. When she was handed the potion, she uncrossed her arms and took it, her expression unchanging from its odd mixture of calm and frustration. [color=red]"No that's all. Thanks."[/color] she responded before turning and returning to the rooms. Though she paused in front of Naisha's. Swishing the bottle of sleep potion and looking at the liquid, the tall woman slowly opened the door and peeked inside. Seeing Naisha seeming to be sleeping, though had quite a few books lying about, the red head rolled her eyes. Slowly going inside and shutting the door. Tip toeing the best she could through the room. Setting the sleep potion down on the ground before picking up the books and setting them on the bookshelf. Once done, Alex picked up the sleep potion again and looked around the room. It did feel a bit smaller, quite more suited for Naisha rather than Alex compared to her own room. But right now it felt more comfortable. Maybe because Naisha was here and she didn't want to be alone right now. Especially if her Mage friend was serious about leaving. So with a quiet sigh, she sat down cross legged in front of the door, leaning her back against it as she uncorked the potion. Nose twitching at the odd scent before downing the whole bottle. Setting the bottle down, she crossed her arms over her chest, slouching against the door as she felt the effect immiedietly take over her senses. It didn't usually last too long, but it did help ease her into sleep. Yawning softly, Alex soon fell asleep. For once, it was a little peaceful. Though she still felt uneasy. Agitated. Angry. Frustrated. Lonely. But still... Asleep. And she welcomed it.