The portal crackles closed behind the red head as he immediately takes to the skies of hell and makes for the palace. There aren't many other demons actually flying about and they scatter when they see Dani, his violent streak infamous and not limited to demons who've actually done anything. He's been known to simply attack demons on sight for no good reason, and as he looks like he's busy with something they are all very interested in not getting between him and his goal. One demon however [b]does[/b] approach him and he glares towards the figure as she comes up to fly along side him. He refuses to be the first to speak and instead tries to break away from her, but her much larger wings create such a down draft when she flies over him that he ceases that idea least he fall into the pools of fire below. With a snarl he turns over, forgetting his vow. “What do you want Maia!?” he hisses, carefully slipping out from beneath her so that he can fly properly again. She moves around him slowly, the small childish grin setting his teeth on edge and he cuffs her with his wing. She cuffs him right back, sending him tumbling slightly. Once he regains his balance he snarls, ready to knock her out of the sky, but before he can do so, she speaks. “You stink.” Sticking out her tongue Maia cuffs him again, but this time catches him so she can carry him, getting a better look at his face. As a result, she can also smell him better in this position and she makes a face again. “You reek little brother.” she calls over his cursing. He thrashes himself free and drops to the ground just outside the palace. She lands right behind him. “You reek of grace. Not changing sides on us, are you little brother?” He staunchly ignores her, hoping she'll just go away, however half way to Homura's room he realizes she plans on following him no matter what. Whipping around he snaps, “Don't you have anything better to do?” Down in hell his cute, childishness is reserved for those he actually likes, and Maia is not one he likes. She is his sister, true, but her perpetual need to know his business and to mess with his research has left her on his black list. More times than he can count she's messed up his breeding and other work, claiming that she was there first and should have every right to review his work. She is one who hardly ever leaves hell as well and she honestly spends more time actually working than he does, however he shares his things with no one. [i]'Aoba doesn't count. He's still Kurotama's technically. . . .'[/i] She sticks out her tongue again. “Why would I have anything better to do than to find out why my dearest little brother smells like a filthy angel?” She leans in close, taking a sniff at his chest before dodging a swipe from him. “You smell like you were cuddling one, gross!” She covers her nose and steps back. Spotting the real revulsion on her face Dani smiles wickedly and quickly darts in, wrapping his arms around her. She gags as he rubs his body all over her, rubbing off Aoba's scent on to her, and giggles madly as she runs off with a squeal of disgust. “There, now that [b]that's[/b] taken care of. . .” he murmurs, turning and racing down the hall until he reaches Homura's door. Carefully he cracks open the door, sticking in a hand so that the fire bug doesn't think he's being invaded and set the place ablaze for no good reason. After a few seconds he feels breath on his hand and goes limp in preparation for what happens next. Without any real warning aside from having his hand sniffed he's suddenly pulled into the room, the door slammed closed behind him as he's pulled into a rough hug by a nude Homura. Thankfully the room has some light today and Dani's not left standing in complete darkness as Homura races back over to what he'd been doing before Dani arrived. Taking an accurate guess the smaller demon calls out, “Put some clothes on. We're gonna go watch in person, okay?” Homura giggles happily and races around the room getting dressed, his pale skin making him look like a ghost as he flits about the room. Dani waits quietly, wishing he could see through that misty thing Homura uses to see earth with so he can catch the beginning of the fight between his siblings, however the taller male is rather quick and in no time the two are heading, arm in arm, out of the palace and towards a good portal spot. ~*~*~*~*~ A scream leaves Kuro's lips as he's once more thrown to the ground by a blow from the pummel of his brother's blade. The spot it struck throbs and he wonders if he'll be able to stand up this time. The question is swiftly answered when moments later he's airborne, the spot he'd been laying cracked open by a blow from his brother's sword. The ground below is filled with cracks and craters, like large scars running this way and that across the skin of the earth. Most of the grass in the area is gone now, Kuro's constant flame having licked the soil clean everywhere it touched. He knows he's a bloody mess right now, but he does not back down as Issho launches himself from the ground straight for his dark haired brother. The blond could have taken his brother down from the very start with his first blow, but he didn't. Instead he held himself back, causing damage rather than disabling completely. This is a punishment after all, not a duel to the death. His sword whistles forward and takes a knick out of Kuro's wing making the smaller male scream again, but he feels a swell of pride as he dodges back away from a rather well placed swing from Kuro's scythe. [i]'Even through the pain, he fights on. I've not seen such tenacity since. . .'[/i] He dodges again, thoughts of his younger sister drifting from his mind as he's forced to pay more attention to the fight. He watches as a few strands of his hair drift away down towards the earth below and he smiles ever so slightly. Even as damaged as he is, Kuro can still conduct himself with fair skill, though nothing compared to his brethren that actually fight arch angels. He knows that Issho is basically [b]giving[/b] him every near miss he lands, the tattered cloth around his hems and missing strands of hair the only thing showing Issho is doing something other than having a casual flight above an empty field. He is knocked from the shy again however as he falls he notices where he'll land and with a cry pulls himself out of the fall and tumbles to the side. Issho watches the display curiously, watching with slight shock as the Dark Little Storm Cloud's flame goes out and he lands hard on the edge of a crater. The area inside and around the crater is completely unmarred and at the center is what looks to be a sapling. The bowl is filled with white flowers and the grass is plush and thick, but not long like the rest of the grass in the area. Before he can take in much more than this Kuro is in his face, forcing him back and dragging the battle away from the spot best he can. It doesn't take a genius to realize what the crater is, but what surprises him most is Kurotama's reaction to it. [i]'He obviously wants the angel here, with him, and to forget heaven, and yet he's not reduced this little reminder to ash. . .It would make more sense to destroy anything that would create longing for. . .'[/i] His sword comes down, slicing deep into Kuro's arm and rendering it useless. The smaller male cries out but rather than backing off he tosses his scythe aside and attacks bare handed. Since he can not wield his weapon effectively with only one arm it's a smart move, and as grappling is not something Issho is the best at it actually is more advantageous for Kuro to attack this way. Almost as if to honor Kuro's commitment to continue on Issho puts his blade away, his own flames erupting across his body as he prepares to take on his little brother's charge. The flames are almost a blinding white, the exact opposite of Kuro's pitch black flames, and as they come together the flames swirls around them looking almost like giant flaming yin yang symbols. The heat of Kuro's flame allows him to land some actual blows on his eldest brother, a few burns appearing across his skin as they come together, but the shear volume and power of Issho's swiftly dwarfs Kuro's little inferno. The dark haired male doesn't give up however, slashing and throwing his brother when he manages to get a hold of him and keeping his flames burning strong. ~*~*~*~*~ The doctor has never seen anything like this before. He's seen a lot of combat in his time, but this is completely out of the realm of his experience. He's honestly never seen two demons fight – beyond a couple shoving one another out of the way to have access to a dying angel – and the epic power being displayed before him is something unheard of. The clashes between angel and demon have been tempered for a long time, to avoid being discovered by humans, so while battles like this may have been common before, no such clash as this has been seen in Fenrir's lifetime. The earth cracked and chard, the sky darkening under the press of energy, and he can't smell it but he's quite sure that the air itself is burning. Worrying for Aoba's health at this thought he switches over to looking at him and is relived to see that the little demon is making use of himself and keeping all of the backlash from affecting the little angel. The animals are definitely unhappy, but don't seem to be in any danger. Some are even laying down as far from the fighting as they can get and seem to be trying to sleep. Zooming back out so he can watch the battle he watches Kuro tumble to the ground once more and his eyes are caught by the white off to his side. Zooming back a little bit more he realizes quickly what he's seeing and actually feels touched as he notices Kuro's lack of flame and immediate redirect of the fight. [i]'He's. . . .Protecting the spot. . .'[/i] Letting out a soft sigh he notices the small figures of Dani and the silver haired one from before appearing through a portal beside Aoba and the weak demon. [i]'Well, at least there's that little additional protection. . .'[/i] He carefully disregards the fact that he just called more demons around an angel “protection” and goes back to watching the battle. He's seem some pretty determined demons in his time, but when Kuro tosses his weapon and begins attacking with only one working arm he can't help but admire his actions. [i]'The blond one could have killed Kuro many times over now, but he is humoring his little brother. . .He's even taking damage now. . .Why are they fighting!? Dani said something about punishment, but this seems to be. . .So much more than that. I don't see Kuro being so tenacious. He'd take his punishment. . . That's the kind of demon he is. . .'[/i] ~*~*~*~*~ Dani walks swiftly over to Aoba and dumps Homura at his side before turning to the fight and beginning to hoot and holler like a sports fan at a game. “Get'em Kuro! Singe that perfect mope right off his head! Give it to'em Issho! Show him who's boss!” He continues to cheer like this as Homura sits shyly next to Aoba, watching him openly with his milky white eyes. Kyouku does his best impression of a statue as he tries to not catch the white haired male's attention. He's never seen this one before, but the portal stone gives him away as yet another spawn of Satan. ~*~*~*~*~ The flames obscure the combatants slightly but it's clear even with the obstruction that Issho is slowly wearing Kuro down. The battle comes to a head when Kuro is once more thrown to the earth and before he can respond Issho lands on top of him. There's a blood curdling shriek of pain and just like that, the battle is over. The white flame vanishes completely, as does the black flame, and Dani lets out one final whoop before plopping down behind Aoba to keep him from running over to the battlefield to see if Kuro's alright. Softly he whispers, “That land is soaked in demonic energy right now Aoba. Going over there could kill you. Don't worry, it will fade soon. Issho doesn't like leaving messes.” Kyouku carefully becomes one with the ground at the base of the tree, looking very much like a cat trying not to be seen, and he watches with wide eyes as the eldest comes into view, hopping over the fence with a bundle in his arms. The bundle is very red but clearly some of the red has been covered, and Issho is now very topless. Dani giggles as he realizes that his big brother has wrapped their younger sibling in his own coat and rolls his eyes at the gesture. “Issho is such a softie. . .” he murmurs, nibbling at Aoba's clothing. Once he's close enough to the little group Homura stands and moves towards the smell of blood more than anything else. He can see his little brother, but under the radiance of Issho he's a little hard to make out. Issho lays the wrapped bundle on to the ground and parts the coat so Homura can have direct access to his tattered form. Slipping around the body he takes a seat, drawing Kuro's head into his lap as he waits for Homura to get to work. Dani giggles again, rolling his eyes. “You're too nice to him Issho. That's why he turned out such a wimp.” Letting Aoba go Dani amuses himself by picking on Kyou, making him whimper and whine as he's poked and prodded playfully. He glances over his shoulder every so often though, hiding his worry for his brother carefully.