Loki disregarded Cynbel's instructions, choosing instead to stay with his daughter. As one of the more powerful Old gods, he knew that his aid could be invaluable. Besides, no one else could defuse Ronin's anger as well. "Get off my-?" Ronin growled. "Playing around? Does he not know who I am? I am goddess of chaos itself, daughter of the Trickster. What he calls [i]playing around[/i] I call [i]following my nature.[/i]" Those watching might think that she could get no angrier. Then she heard what Masrith had to say. Anger became cold fury. "No one harms my brother but me." She summoned magic to her hands, closing her eyes. Then raw magic exploded out of her, covering her body in a dark purple aura. People and gods could say what they liked, but Loki cared greatly for his children. "Cynbel." His voice was cold and hard. "I suggest we hasten to aid my son. I fear I will not long be able to contain my rage." Indeed, only his eons of control prevented him from following Ronin's example.