Every one knows the main story; Kirito and Asuna, and how they defeated Kayaba and saved everyone. Well, everyone who was still alive at that point. But what about the others? The people who weren't heroes, or legendary fighters, or didn't have a special skill. What happened to them? They are, after all, human beings just like Kirito. Every story deserves to be told. This is their story. This is Sword Art Online: Side Quest. [hr] [i]Welcome, player, to Sword Art Online! Please use the following form to create your character. Username: Age: Gender: Hair color: Eye color: Skin tone: Height: Build: Starting outfit: Primary weapon: Skills: Please wait a few moments for your avatar to generate. As soon as it has finished, you will be teleported to the Town of Beginnings. Have fun, and thank you for choosing Sword Art Online. [center][h3][b]GAME START[/b][/h3][/center][/i] [hr] [hider=Rules] Any and all co-GMs have equal authority with me. I won't say no OP characters, as I don't think there's a power limit in SAO. However, I will say this: we're starting from the very beginning. Everyone will be pretty weak at first, so no one-shotting everything. Characters may argue; authors may not. No killing without author's permission. You may have as many characters as you can handle. And of course, have fun! [/hider] [hider=Skills] [u][b]Combat - [/b][/u] Piercing / Blunt: Bonus damage to armored units Find weakness: Bonus damage against unarmored units Enhanced aim: Accuracy bonus to bows Precision: Weapons have higher critical chance Cleave: Weapons strike additional targets behind original target Unguarded: Bonus damage to 1-h weapons if not using a shield or offhand Flame touched: Sword art skill uses fire damage Sword art skill has passive cleave for duration Thunder touched: Sword art skill uses Thunder damage Sword art skill has a chance to cause [Paralysis] Frost touched: Sword art skill uses Ice damage Sword art skill slows attack speed / movement speed by 20% Suppression: Sword art skill has a chance to cause [Paralysis] Blade mastery: Bladed weapons deal more damage Blunt mastery: Blunt weapons deal more damage Vampirism: Sword art skills have lifesteal Cold blooded: Party members gain increased damage Efficient: Sword skills cost less SP Veteran: Damage+ / critical+ / attack speed+ (Available at lvl 35) [u][b]Defensive -[/b][/u] Iron fortress: Increased armor / reduced damage (25%) (Only for tower shields) Shield wall: Reduced damage from all attacks (15%) (Usable with any shield) Unbreakable: Reduced damage from piercing / blunt attacks Thorns: Minor damage returned to attacker Juggernaut: Increased health regeneration Inspiring presence: Party members gain increased defense Veteran (Defensive): Armor+ / movement speed+ / Damage reduction+ (Available at lvl 35) [u][b]Merchant - [/b][/u] Bargain: NPC vendor pays 10% more / sells 10% cheaper Haggler: NPC vendor pays 15% more / sells 15% cheaper Master Trader: NPC vendor pays 20% more / sells 20% cheaper Legend: NPC Vendor pays 25% more / sells 25% cheaper [u][b]Gathering - [/b][/u] Scavenger: More materials from Nodes Lucky find: Chance to find rare material from mobs Experienced: Double material from nodes [/hider]