[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HzDnK92.png[/img][/center] [color=a187be][b]NAME[/b][/color] Drenarald [color=a187be][b]AGE[/b][/color] 32 [color=a187be][b]RACE[/b][/color] Nord [color=a187be][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/color] Drenarald doesn't interact much with people besides issues coming up while on guard duty, during which he almost never removes his helmet. As such, most people will only recognize him as just another faceless guard of Markarth equipped with another identical set of armor. Under the helmet, he is a typical Nord with hard features and bright blue eyes. His somewhat long, gnarly hair is tied into a short ponytail. A thick black beard adorns his otherwise young-looking face. To some, he may appear intimidating with his solid Nord height of 6'3" and his strong, muscled physique. [color=a187be][b]BIRTHSIGN[/b][/color] The Warrior [color=a187be][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/color] Drenarald, like many others of his people, is quite proud to be a Nord. Though he is more likely to lose his temper with a non-Nord, he certainly makes an effort at being tolerant with the other races. His tolerance runs the shortest with the Mer (especially the Altmer), as he usually isn't bothered by the Khajiit and once had an Argonian friend when he was younger. One of two equal treatments he can guarantee with all citizens is his short temper. Drenarald is quick to annoy and can be quite sarcastic. He clearly dislikes dealing with trivial issues citizens will demand for him to fix, especially if they're stupid. being a guard, he also has developed a somewhat haughty and bossy attitude. In the end, however, he is a good man. No matter the race, Drenarald will be quick to save the citizens of Markarth should they find themselves in danger, even if they deserve it. He distinguishes himself from other guards for having a clean record of never abusing or harassing any citizens. [color=a187be][b]BACKSTORY[/b][/color] Drenarald was born in and continues to live in Markarth. His mother would work in the stables, and his father was a guard. When he was young, he was most certainly a late-bloomer. he was seen as the scrawniest, weakest, and softest kid in Markarth. He was picked on frequently and pushed around by the larger children. As such, he had no friends besides his parents. He remained strong-willed, however, and determined to grow to be stronger than the rest of the kids. Through his early teen years, his father encouraged him to reach his goal and even trained him with his own experience in guard duty. Though he worked hard and indeed made progress, thus far the others were still taller and stronger than he was. His determination wavered when he was 14, as his mother died of an unknown illness. He nearly broke under emotions, but his father continued to support him. "Do it for your mother," He would say, and that gave Drenarald the push he needed. He made strong progress, and as he continued to grow, the rest seemed to slow to a complete halt. They watched from a distance in anger, as Drenarald grew to be taller and stronger than them. Soon, it would be he who called them milk drinkers. It was around this time that he met a young Argonian who came to the city one day and called himself Road-Wanderer. They soon became surprisingly good friends. They shared stories, discussed random topics, and supported each other when they were feeling down. The good Argonian stuck around the city for around a month before he mysteriously and hurriedly left one day. Drenarald was the only one he spent time with to say goodbye. It was the last time he saw Road-Wanderer. Eventually, when Drenarald was already an adult, his father died due to a terrible infection that was not treated soon enough. To honor him, Drenarald soon followed in his father's footsteps and became a guard himself. Due to the way he was raised and the unfortunate death of his two parents, Drenarald's personality seemed to have changed. As before, he would be lacking in friends, though it would not be because he was the scrawniest, it would be because he was simply another mean guard. [color=a187be][b]ARMOUR[/b][/color] Markarth guard helmet and armor (quilted vest over a shirt of bronze chainmail), fur gauntlets and boots. A standard guard's shield with the ram of Markarth adorning the front is slung across his back. [color=a187be][b]WEAPONS[/b][/color] Steel sword, a hunting bow, and a quiver of steel tipped arrows (30). [color=a187be][b]SKILLS[/b][/color] One handed, light armor, block, speechcraft, archery.