Having collected all the boba he could find, Wario's attention turned to the swarm. Tying off his Lootin' Bag and slinging it over his shoulder, he recalled the prices of "delicacies" like chocolate-covered grasshoppers with an evil grin, and set off toward the nearest buzzing noise. [color=yellow][b]Wario, Mahora- The Bento Tree[/b][/color] "iiiiiiiiiii...." The fat, garlic obsessed plumber from earlier was running through an alleyway, once again knocking anything in his way aside like it was made of paper mache. He slid under the locust, catching its hind legs... and proceeding to lift them off the ground. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, muscles bulging as he began turning in place. "IIIIIT'S WARIO TIME!" The turning got faster and faster. The locust scrabbled for purchase on the ground, but could not find it before Wario lifted it up, the creature blurring as he took aim. The spinning got faster and faster as Wario cackled. "SO LONG, LOSER!" With gleeful abandon, he let the insect go, watching as it sailed into the cloud with lightning speed. Even from here, the terrified screeching of the advancing insects could be heard. Well, that is until the sickening crunch of a mid-air collision of several bugs that had the misfortune of being near wario's invertebrate missile. Off in the distance, a cloud of green goo- insect guts and shells powdered at high speed- expanded out as several of the swarm's members fell out. Of course, what's ten or fifteen locusts amidst a swarm? This worrying fact didn't stop Wario from flexing for those present. "Yeah, Wario's great. You know it." [@GameGuruGG][@Dblade26][@GameGuruGG]