[center][img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/greymo_zpsbqdsikka.jpg[/img][/center] [b]House:[/b] Greyjoy [b]Green or Black:[/b] Black [b]Recent History: [/b] During the Dance of Dragons, the Greens attempted to lure the Ironborn into the battle on their side with political appointments. This made the Ironborn laugh. When the Blacks countered with no more than asking the Ironborn to attack Queen Rhaenyra's enemies, among them the weakened Lannisters, the Ironborn did not laugh; they grinned, grabbed their arms and armor, and hopped into their longships. Many in the Seven Kingdoms see this ultimately as a mistake: while it certainly provided a boon to the Blacks, the Ironborn have not stopped raiding and reaving since the official end of the civil war, causing nearly every bit of Westeros' western coast to bleed. Recently the Red Kraken has disappeared; some claim murdered, others illness, still others more fantastical stories than the last. [b]Family Members:[/b] [hider=The Red Kraken] [img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/Dalton%20Greyjoy_zpscne1jwrb.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Dalton Greyjoy [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Biography:[/b] Dalton was the wild young son of the heir to Pyke. Archmaester Hake wrote he loved three things: the sea, his sword, and women. He was said to have been rowing at five and reaving at ten, sailing with his uncle to plunder the pirate towns of the Basilisk Isles. By ten-and-four, Dalton had sailed as far as Old Ghis, fought in a dozen actions, and claimed four salt wives, though he tired of women quickly. He also owned a Valyrian steel longsword he had taken off a dead corsair and named Nightfall. In his fifteenth year, while fighting in the Stepstones as a sellsail, he saw his uncle slain and avenged him, though he took a dozen wounds and emerged from the fight drenched in blood, earning his nickname of the Red Kraken. Later on the same year, he learned of his father's death and returned home to claim the Seastone Chair. Immediately he began to build longships, forge swords, and train fighters, citing that "the storm is coming" as the reason. The Red Kraken has proven himself a living legend in too many raids and battles to name. Though he is the current Lord Reaper of Pyke, he is not the only Greyjoy that remains: and though the salt sons of his many, many, salt wives would claim to be the true heir for Dalton Greyjoy, none of the rock lords in the Iron Islands seem to care much for what the salt sons say. To address the situation, Dalton has officially named an uncle and his children as his "official" heir. At the very least that's what a parchment and a dozen captains of the Iron Fleet said, and so it was. Though Dalton has not been recently seen, his forces and his battle plans continue to unfold, with recent Ironborn victories of Fair Isle and Kayce and Lannisport itself. (Though unable to get into Casterly Rock itself.) The latest reports to King's Landing are that the Shield Islands themselves have fallen to a large fleet of longships. Some reports claim the Red Kraken was present for the attack and the spoils, others that he was seen during the fighting but not after, and still yet others that he was never seen at all. [/hider] [hider=Andrik Greyjoy] [img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/andrikol_zpsxosdp2c4.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Andrik Greyjoy [b]Age:[/b] 51 [b]Biography:[/b] As a non-heir to the Seastone Chair, Andrik's life has been not but sailing and raiding as far as he dare. As a child he was prone to illness and bookishness, though most the books he read were centered on tales of military achievement, and sailing adventures. As he grew older, he grew healthier, either by the grace of the Drowned God or by sheer force of will. Ask those closest to him, and they would likely say it was sheer force of will. As soon as he was stable enough, and mayhaps a bit before in truth, Andrik was sent out upon a longship to begin his true life. As a raider and reaver, Andrik is good, though not the warrior that his nephew, Dalton, is. But where Andrik shines is not in the fore of the fight, but in the more detached areas of command: an expert in areas rare to find an Ironborn proficient in; strategy, tactics, supply, battlefield engineering. Had Dalton given his uncle a chance during the sack of Lannisport, Andrik believes he could have found a way into Casterly Rock. Though never given the chance, Andrik still more than proved his worth during the attack. The incident represented a fracture in the relationship, though many outside House Greyjoy itself choose to make more of the incident than those within House Greyjoy would, pointing to it as a reason for Dalton leaving much of the southern raids in Andrik's capable hands. Many within House Greyjoy know the reason for their chilled relationship to have more to do with Dalton's drunken rape of Andrik's daughter, Tessana. Dalton claimed it was no rape, and Tessana has said precious little on the matter entirely. Andrik asked only Tessana, a reaver in her own right, to find another longship to serve upon other than Dalton's. The event is known mostly in hushed gossip, as Andrik refuses to speak of it, Dalton refuses to speak of it, and Tessana refuses to speak of it. There are theories that Andrik may have had Dalton killed in reprisal, but these theories assume the Red Kraken's death, and such assumptions are sure to be premature. Though he was not present at the attack on the Shield Islands, he was a large presence in the planning of it. Instead, he has returned to Pyke, for what purpose exactly remains to be seen. [/hider] [hider=Torwyn Greyjoy] [img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/torwy_zpsxu5qbxwz.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Torwyn Greyjoy [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Biography:[/b] Torwyn is a reaver, through-and-through, though he is not known for bloodlust. Instead he will take pauses for thought and calculation, much like his father, Andrik. Unlike his father, Torwyn's health was never in doubt, and in fact the only son of Andrik Greyjoy is tall and strong and as formidable an opponent in armor than most any. Also unlike his father, and most Greyjoy, Torwyn is known for his copper colored hair which he typically keeps long and uncut. Torwyn is not a heavily religious man, and while a follower of the Drowned God, is no fanatical. Married to a Lady from House Botley at a young age, Torwyn already has three children, two sons and a daughter. Despite active in reaving, Torwyn has never sailed too far from the Iron Islands--most know it to be due to Torwyn's affinity for his family. While he is at times mocked for this, Torwyn has a thick skin, even for an Ironborn and much like his father does not rise to most any baiting. He is content to let his actions speak for him, claiming that the loudest are often the most foolish and likely to die come the real combat. Torwyn played a respectable part in the raiding of Fair Isle, to moderate success. He played an even larger role in the sacking of Kayce, and even brought back a few salt wives for the first time in his life, minor nobles and sisters renowned for their youth and beauty. Both girls have grown closer to Tessana than to Torwyn himself, not that Torwyn seems to care. In the leadup to the sack of Lannisport, Torwyn's role increased initially but would wind up being less significant than his part to play in the Kayce raid. The reasons for this are still unknown, as he would be a chief architect of the attack on the Shield Islands. Rumors have it that Torwyn clashed with Dalton over the incident regarding his sister, Tessana, and as a result was given tasks of less glory. Some claim that the conflict was not with Dalton, but with Tessana herself, though few know for certain. [/hider] [hider=Tessana Darkwater] [img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/darkwata_zpsz0wqg1yn.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Tessana Greyjoy [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Biography:[/b] Lady Tessana Greyjoy is an unknown in the Iron Islands. Say the name, and many smallfolk might blink at you. Speak the name Tessana Darkwater, however, and immediate realization will wash over any man, woman, or child upon the Iron Islands. To say nothing of reservation, or even fear. Born upon the eve of a vicious storm that left many a longship shattered and many more Ironborn missing (some would later wash up on shore as far as the Crag), and the waters around the Iron Islands black, the young Lady Tessana seemed more the child of Dalton Greyjoy than Andrik Greyjoy; wanton and wild, with deeply seated love of bloodlust and violence. Maester Pellen of Pyke claims that in her youth, she could sail, ride, shoot, and fight better than most boys her age and a good bit older. She was taken into the service of Donel Greyjoy, her uncle, her first voyage going as far as the Basilik Islands--the very same battle that would turn Dalton Greyjoy into the Red Kraken. Upon the return voyage Tessana would nearly die of illness, forcing Dalton to change his course and make an unplanned stop at the Summer Isles. Here Dalton, and most his men, drank and fucked themselves to a stupor while young Tessana was left in the care of healers and priests. Deciding he could wait to return no longer, and for a mere girl no less, Dalton left Tessana in the care of the Summer Islanders. This did not end Tessana's education; it only expanded it. Instead of daggers, Tessana grew to love the bow, and to this day prefers Goldenheart bows to any other weapon available to her--though she is still just as lethal with daggers, and specializes at throwing them. The Summer Islanders continued her education in sailing and combat, but also introduced her to a myriad of other interests and pursuits; sex among them. To this day Tessana's attitudes on sex more closely resemble the Summer Islanders than they do the Ironborn, and especially more than they do the green lands of Westeros proper. Tessana would return home a few years after Dalton left her, and though the new Lord of Pyke expected Tessana to be bitter and angry over having been left, he was shocked to find her anything but. While it's true Dalton and Tessana would become fast friends, the both of them claim their relationship never went past that. This is clouded because when Maester Pellen persuaded Dalton to create a list of possible rock wives, Tessana was on the list, though the Maester will not reveal where exactly she was on that list. Even more confounding, Tessana was fond of assiting Dalton in "breaking in" his new salt wives. Their relationship fractured soon after the assault on Fair Isle, though she remained a much more central, if overlooked, player in the following raids than even her brother, Torwyn. It is noteworthy that only after this time did members of the Ironborn high born begin to officially declare interest in Tessana as a possible wife--interest Tessana has laughed at many and more times. Most recently Tessana Darkwater has been dispatched with a small fleet of longships to King's Landing. Not to raid it, unfortunately, but to speak with this new boy king and his hangers-on. 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