Android 58 flew across the sky and she took a moment to savor the feel of the wind against her hair. She enjoyed flying, it was one of the few times she felt like she could accomplish anything. She could sense Baal directly behind her and she raised her voice slightly as she scanned the area. "My sensors are picking up fighting up ahead. Looks like the natives are putting up a bit of a fight against whoever decided to attack this ball of rock." She called to Baal as she picked up speed and saw the sight of a city that had nearly been turned to rubble. She narrowed her eyes for a moment as she analyzed the situation for a moment. "There aren't that many defenders left and the invaders are wearing a symbol that looks [i]really[/i] familiar. I can't place it however." She turned to look at Baal. "You ready? Looks like we've got a bit of a fight on our hands." She said as she took aim at one of the invading solders with her finger blaster.