[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zz8zEVD.png[/img] [h1][color=Gold]Akio Tendou[/color][/h1][/center] “I got the job of teaching these Civvies how to not stick themselves with the wrong end of a kunai,” Akio said as she looked around the camp, nodding in agreement with Chokashi’s earlier assessment. While it had obviously taken awhile to get this together, it was impressive none the less what the poor and destitute of this town had been able to build for themselves with hardly any help or supplies. And it had given the rebellion a good place to train those who wanted to fight for their country how to do so with their own two hands. As she turned to address Chokashi, she happened to notice someone walk by pulling up their hood, hiding their face from view. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she stared after the individual, but she shook it off, turning towards the field. “So, we got two groups assigned to us, one full of older adults and what not, and another filled with ones closer to are age. Which one do you want to start with?” [@FallenTrinity] [hr] Takeo nodded appreciatively as Chen came with him down the tunnel, chuckling slightly as he saw the teen pull out his phone. It was something a number of their younger, more well-off recruits tended to do in the beginning, not yet used to the idea of not being able to use their devices when there’s nothing for them to do. “Don’t worry, we’ve got a few books at the outpost just a short ways up. Not much, to be honest, but it’ll keep you busy.” Takeo seemed about to say something else, but closed his mouth as if he’d thought better of it. However, he rolled his head around as he tossed whatever it was back and forth in his mind before apparently deciding on something as he looked around to check if anyone was around before leaning closer to the young boy. “Don’t tell Tatsu about this, but we’ve also got a few Icha-Icha books hidden in every outpost. Even if you’re not into it,. it makes for more stimulating reading than anything else we got around here. Pl-” Takeo suddenly stopped walking, his body rigid as his eyes tore themselves to the outpost, his one eye narrowing suspiciously as he approached, one hand reaching behind him almost casually into his kunai pouch. Making it to the door, he knocked on the door firmly, waiting for a response in silence. Soon, the door opened to reveal a ragged looking man with a slashed out Kirir symbol on his head. “About time you showed to take your sh-HURGH!!” The man shotted out in surprise as he felt a kunai get stabbed into his throat, before Takeo spun kicked him into the low ceiling hut, several other ninja coming out of the woodwork to attack, only for the sound of a faint hissing to draw their attention to the exploding tag that had been wrapped around the hilt. In the split -second between the realization and the explosion, Takeo tackled Chen into the filthy water, allowing them to escape from the large explosion unharmed. Shortly after, Takeo would bring them to the surface on a bed of earth, his hand reaching for his blade as more ninja suddenly seemed to come from the darkness beyond the outpost. There were about 5 of them, and the two in front flickered through hand signs before launching an dual attack of the Water Fang Bullet and Great Wind Breakthrough, causing the projectiles to rush towards them at high speed. Takeo ran through his own handseals before slamming them into the ground, causing a onrush of water to explode outward towards the group, intercepting the attack and scattering the shinobi. “On your feet, Konoha, let’s see you prove your worth!” Takeo shouted to Chen before charging forward, launching his sword at one of the fleeing nin, the hunk of metal traveling far faster and straight then one would expect, piercing the surprised nin through the chest and spearing him to a wall. TAkeo then ran through another bout of handseals, whispering to himself as he charged forward. “Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu.” A thick mist soon formed around the area, and the sounds of battle could soon be heard as swordsman clashed with his foes. Chen, however, wouldn;t be given the time to pay much attention, as the the same two shinobi that had attacked them before now stood before him, each having a blade drawn in preparation to attack. The two were nearly identical in appearance, young women that looked slightly older than him by a year or two, dressed in standard Kiri fashion. The only way to tell them apart was by their hairstyles, as one hand their hair tied in a short braid, and the other had it in two buns on either side of her head. As one , they charged forward, aiming to take down the presumably weaker shinobi with a flurry of strikes, their movements so in synch with each other, it was almost as if Chen was fighting one person instead of two. They’d keep this up for as long as they could, though eventually they’d back off, leaping into the air to run through a series of handseals before unleashing the same combiniation jutsu as before, showering the area with a hail of wind-enhanced water bullets. [@floodtalon] [hr] As Gin walked away from the Konoha nin, he’d knock into someone who was also wearing a hood. While that may have amounted to nothing, the nn would be carrying a certain smell about him, somewhat hard to discern at first, but with his new found experience with bombing, he’d recognize the smell of explosive materials that lingered upon the man. However, before he could say anything, a large explosion would ring out from one for the tunnels, causing people to look towards the area in confusion. The explosion was not alone, however, as soon the camp itself started to erupt as shadows bolted around the area tossing paper bombs and more conventional explosives, sowing chaos throughout both this area, and the residential one. The man Gin had passed was heading straight for the registration tent, giving the white haired man only a split second to try and take him down before he threw a barrage of paper balls at the structure, blowing it to smithereens. [@FallenTrinity]