At this point, Sithilerine was starting to get pissed. He brought Lea and Zeltrax to his hands. His hands enclosed them completely so there was no ounce of light that could breach. This was not to kill but to protect. Sithilerine noted the barrier formed in front of him. "That's cute." He stated right before he smashed through it. Sithilerine then stopped flying. A strange aura that gave off a terrible feeling begin the shroud itself around Sithilerine. Zeltrax and Lea would also have this aura shroud them which would allow them to feel what power Sithilerine was creating. "Now you play with power." Sithilerine let out the most power soul roar he could at the time. The roar began to shake the fabric of space they were in. Any one who was not protected by Sithilerine or who did not stop to brace them selves would have their souls torn from their bodies. Even so, they would still feel a great amount of pain. Sithilerine then used that diversion to move as fast as he could to escape the reach of those who pursued him. Once it was safe, Sithilerine landed in what looked like an other worldy place. He released Lea and Zeltrax from his grip and began to shrink himself to the size of a humans. Sithilerine was breathing heavy, indicating how tired he was. "Curse this body. It's inactivity has made channeling my power through it more difficult." He looked at Lea and Zeltrax. "We need not worry about them following us. If they tried to track power, they would be drawn to where I roared. My current state is weakened. They also would never think of here. This is where my physical body was sealed. Very few Gods know of this place. Those who do are either dead or know me. What I mean is that they know this very place is an insult to my existence and under most circumstances, I would obliterate it immediately. I however believe this spot would come in handy." Sithilerine moved to a resting state. "I need the soul of a God to aid in this bodies recovery, otherwise things won't ever work. I suggest Loki, he has great magic potential but a majority of it is illusionary. That won't work well against someone who can manipulate souls." Sithilerine then looked at Lea. "Now we may easily get his attention when the time is right."