*Ymir* Ymir solidized and collapsed, falling into the ocean beneath him as Sitherine broke the barrier causing his eyelashes to light on fire. He cursed to himself as he moved as the water back to olympus. If he had been focusing more on a barrier instead of chasing him this might not of happened. He crawled out of the water at olympus and used the last of his strength not to collapse on the floor. *Perdant* She turned into a solid black snake for a second as the blast hit but quickly regained her flight. Landing in the clearing next to sitherine [@BKburke] she gasped. "That was some power display there!" Nodding at Zeltrax's [@Cuccoruler] suggestion she said "he makes a valid point. I will introduce myself as well. I am Perdant, daughter of Apep and Chaos! Embodiment of pure chaos and everything chaotic, Ruler of the Primordial Void!" she said inclining her head to Sitherine.