[center][color=d3d3d3][h3]Smithy[/h3][/color] [u]Location: Capital of Leprechaun territory; Domnann[/u] [/center] Smithy looked at the weapons layed out in front of him they where made of the better materials on offer of course. As nobody buys the crap stuff in a MMO, but they weren't made out of the best stuff. Mostly because currently his Smithing level wasn't high enough to forge a anything good out of the best stuff, and the fact nobody was strong enough to get the best stuff in the first place. Shaking his head Smithy looked back down at his laid out weapons he had put on a blanket. On offer he had swords, both one handed and two handed of course. Spears for those that like to stab things out of reach and knives for those who like to get close and proper. The items had good stats after all, less then the boss drop exclusives but better then the npc weapons thats for sure. Stealing a glance at the nearby shoppers, Smithy stood up and let out a yell. [color=d3d3d3]"Weapons for sell, good quality weapons for sale!"[/color] he said. Clearly wanting people to notice his merchandise. Some people actually came over to have a look, it was a pair of Slyphs wearing armor. Smithy guessed that they where the adventuring sort. Never the less their eyes were drawn to his daggers probably because a few had a green gem in the hilt. [color=00a651]"How much is that one?"[/color] One of the Slyphs asked pointing towards one of the green hilted blades. [color=d3d3d3]"That will be about 3500 yurendo"[/color] Smithy said in response to the question. The Slyph looked at him funny as if he was offering perhaps a little too high a price. [color=00a651]"How about 3000?"[/color] The Slyph bartered. [color=d3d3d3]"I'll go as low as 3200, no less."[/color] Smithy said staring at the Slyph. His sword was better then the NPC vendors, not to mention he had to turn a profit on the supply he used. Finally the Slyph caved in and paid the lesser price, handing over the money to Smithy the Slyph was given the blade they wanted. Smithy's money count went up to 15 702 Yurendo. He still wasn't the richest in the game but his income was stable enough. a few more transactions later both him selling and buying stuff. Selling his weapons and buying food and smithing materials to be precise, oh and not to mention, leveling his merchant skill. Smithy came out of the market with a smile on his face, he had come out richer then he had come in. As fun as the economy is though. He would rather smith and fabricate all day and get someone else to do the selling. Never the less neutral territory and being solo was his current mainstay. Even though the dreaded elections for race leadership was going on. He wanted no part in it. Politics where gonna become a factor in this game, but let the politics be discussed by other Leprechauns. Smithy just wanted to be the resident Legendary Blacksmith yet he was still a long shot from that, and if he did become a Legendary Blacksmith he would have the ability to persuade politics but for now let some other Leprechaun become the race leader, he would just be in the background leveling up his skills but for now he would settle to just eating the food he had brought. His had worked up a appetite from selling.