Here is the background of the story: One hundred years ago there was a village of vampires. These vampires had a thriving community at one time but some of the vampires became a bit too greedy and were drinking blood not just to survive. The older vampires had become gluttonous. The younger vampires became enraged because they were not getting enough blood to drink. They decided to do their own thing to survive. They drank animal blood in order to survive. These teenaged vampires started to call themselves vampyres instead of vampires. They were finally caught by their elders. There was a trial and the vampires sentenced the vampyres to what is considered to be the most grueling punishment- to die in the sun, locked in a cage. A few did escape with the help of one elder vampire. Now they are returning back to their ancestral home. I did this once before a long time ago but I have to find the notes for it. Each blood type did give them certain powers but the powers were temporary. This includes animal blood. If I can get at least six people to show interest and one person who will commit to being my husband and Co-GM, I will put it together again. There will be a few characters that I will need as well such as a child from the sentencing judge which are intended to give someone to fight against. Just remember that all of the old vampires are now gone and the sentenced vampyres are coming back. I also know that this is not exactly the best summery since I don't have my old notes but I will recreate the RP from scratch if I must!