[b][center][h3][color=seagreen]The Republic of Deltora 1900[/color][/h3][/center][/b][hr] [center][b]The People's Palace of Evemont[/b][/center] The People's Palace, one of the few remaining testimonies to the existence of the tyrant that had once ruled Deltora. Built as a status symbol of the old Monarchy with it's Gothic architecture, only itself and a few other structures had not been torn down during the revolution of 1851, instead the palace was put to use as the seat of power of the Republic. A beacon of democracy in a world where divine right ruled all, and the strength of the few controlled the many. Here, the people had a say in the governance of their own land. [center][img]http://www.alexanderpalace.org/petersburg1900/images/winterpal.jpg[/img] [i]The People's Palace of Evemont, a few days before the 1899 elections.[/i][/center] The previous year had seen the 1899 Elections, and with it the changing of governments. When the Republic was formed, it was decided that power would reside in individuals elected into power by the people during elections which would take place every 6 years. Last years saw the victory of the centre-left party "Unity" and the placement of Edouard Geiger as Prime Minister of Deltora with the changing of the cabinet. Thus far, Geiger has appeared a competent Prime Minister and with the turning of the year has introduced the beginnings of an ambitious plan to modernize Deltora's industry to the forefront of the known world and an increase in land tax, much to the disdain of aristocrats and the upper classes. [hr] [center][b]The Treaty of Evemont (1870)[/b][/center] With the changing of the year, it would also mark the date of the 3rd Anniversary and subsequent renewal of the Treaty of Evemont (1870) by the Republic of Deltora and the Kingdom of Soroya. The two nations had once been rivals, however with the overthrowing of the Monarchy and the forming of a Republic, diplomacy would become the preferred tool and negotiations took place to discuss the two nations future within the Capital of Deltora. After several months an accord was to be reached, a declaration of friendship would first mark what would later become a formal alliance announced before the world. Within the coming months, a delegate from Soroya is expected at Deltora so that proceedings might commence between the two nations into the new era. [center][b]Terms of the Treaty:[/b][/center] [b]Article 1: Terms of the defensive alliance.[/B] In effect, The Treaty of Evemont (1870) is an insurance policy for both nations, guaranteeing the other support if the current peace is broken by a foreign nation, either by direct hostilities or by hindering her commerce and navigation. In the advent of war, either nation will combine respective military forces, and efforts for the direct purpose of maintaining the liberty, sovereignty and independence of the other in the face of hostilities. [b]Article 2: Pledge to honour land claims.[/b] Both, the Kingdom of Soroya and Republic of Deltora pledge to honour the others land claims, guaranteeing the other full support in maintaining and preserving said claims. [b]Article 3: Free Trade Agreement.[/b] Both contracting parties will explore and undertake measures to promote, facilitate and expand trade between the two countries, while also granting the other unrestricted trading rights by land or sea, free of tariff. [b]Article 4: Open invitation to other nations.[/b] Any other nation, when agreed upon by Deltora and Soroya are free to negotiate terms and conditions for joining the alliance put forth by the Treaty of Evemont (1870). [hr] [b][center]Deltoran Serranthia[/center][/b] In light of the high tensions rising in the neighboring Survaek Empire, the government have deployed 100,000 Deltoran soldiers into Deltoran Serranthia to ensure peace within it's borders, and in protection of it's own land from potential aggression caused by the tensions within the neighboring state. The government of Deltora have also reached out to the Emperor of Survaek and his council with an offer of sending ships bearing grain for the population, to assist in stabilizing the region. [center][img]http://www.kingsacademy.com/mhodges/03_The-World-since-1900/02_World-War-One/pictures/French-troops-in-Ghent.jpg[/img] [i]Deltoran soldiers leave the homeland to ensure peace in it's colonial holdings in Serranthia.[/i] [/center] [hr] [b]SUMMARY:[/b] - Mass project of industrial modernization underway. - Renewal of the Treaty of Evemont (1870) - Deploying 100,000 Regulars into Deltoran Serranthia. - Offering to send ships with grain for the Survaek provinces.