[b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Silver Soldier] [img]http://i.imgur.com/boUWWNf.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Height: [/b] 183 cm [b]Weight: [/b] 79.5 Kg [b]RLN: [/b] Conrad Vetrov [b]IGN: [/b] Silver Soldier [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Race: [/b] Spriggan [b]History: [/b] Conrad moved quite a bit during his childhood, and videogames were always a solace. He started playing turn based strategy, and gradually grew to enjoy most game types, developing a very analytical mindset towards play strategies. When the first, true VR came out, it was a must have. What better place to test oneself than in a full dive environment? That was when he became hooked. When Alheim Online was first pitched, he was among the first responders. His parents were fairly content with letting him do as he liked, getting decent grades and often performing leadership roles in the local youth groups. Gaming was supposed to be just a phase. One that may prove to be his death. [b]Personality: [/b] On first glance, Conrad appears to be a loner. When the game started, he had a mental breakdown like many other players. For him, it was a realization that he was wasting his life in games. At first, they were just a distraction from the rigors of moving, and then they had become an excuse to avoid face to face socialization. Conrad resolved to reforge himself in this world, as a frontier to test who he would be when he escaped it. With this underlying vein, he tends to be friendly and jovial towards those he meets. The reasoning behind his lonesome play style is generally for experience- while partying occasionally can be useful, splitting experience constantly is rough. The general exception to his friendliness is towards PKers. The idea of killing another person is horrendous, and he avoids fighting with other players when he can. If he must, he must, however. [b]Character Build: [/b] Conrad decided to focus on DPS and maneuverability rather than damage and tanking. As a result, he decided to focus on raising his hand to hand skill with weaponized Gauntlets, sprinting, and reflexes. His magic abilities were chosen solely to compliment his ability to outmaneuver opponents, with no damage capabilities of their own- they did not need to be high level to serve his purposes. [list] [*][i]Hand to Hand[/i] : Gauntlets [*][i]Light Armor[/i] [*][i]Parry[/i] [*][i]Reflexes[/i] [*][i]Heavy Lifting[/i] [*][i]Sprinting[/i] [*][i]Acrobatics[/i] [*][i]Voluntary Flight[/i] [*][i]Illusion Magic[/i] : Prior Imagery [*][i]Illusion Magic[/i] : Double Team [/list] [b]Other: [/b]