Adrian listened to Molly for a moment before he realized something. No one here had even bothered to learn what made people really tick. That would come in handy in his little task here. Learning what [i]really [/i] made people tick was how he had gotten in so far with Azrael. He used it to his advantage, and when you know what someone wants, it isn’t at all hard to get them to join you. It’s how his recruiting outside the school had gone so smoothly, but he was never around such a high capacity of supernatural beings all at once. When Molly gave him the vial, he gave her an odd look before sinking it’s contents with a thankful nod. The weakness would wear off in time, but that headache was a killer. Then Molly said something that made him chuckle. “Oh? The fun bedroom kind…. That’s not actually [i]pain[/i] though, that’s [i]pleasure[/i].” he said with a smirk ad the teacher came in. The man looked like he had been through a lot already that morning. His hair was disheveled, eyes tired, and his clothes a bit worse for wear. After he caught a few looks his body shifted forms into a cleaner looking version of the man he just was. “Alright class, welcome to supernatural history. I’m a new teacher for this subject, as Madam Delia has had emergencies come up back home. I am Professor DuPage.” He told them as he wrote his name across the board and soon Adrian saw another guy passing out textbooks and worksheets. “That is my assistant, Kingsley. So, pay him no mind.” A shifter that could summon a familiar? That was almost unheard of, but Adrian took the book and worksheet and saw what they would be working on. The supernatural wars, starting with vampires and werewolves. Adrian rose his hand and DuPage nodded to him. “Why are we starting with the wars? I thought we started with creation.” DuPage laughed, “Creation of the races isn’t precise history and whoever told you it is was stupid or has been around long enough to see the supernatural races become created. Either way, I start with the wars because they are solid fact, and, well, let’s face it… war makes everything a bit more interesting.” He smiled a bit before Kingsley shifted into a black cat and sat on DuPage’s desk in a watchful manner. So it wasn’t a familiar? Just an assistant made more sense. Once DuPage began on the beginning of the vampire and werewolf wars, Adrian looked to Molly. “He is an interesting sort.” He mumbled to her as he started planning. This man was on the list for sure, as much as Azrael may have hated shifters, he was a historian and Azrael valued that. Adrian never understood Azrael’s hatred of shifters, but he also knew that if he didn’t find a good historian he’d be in deep shit too. So DuPage he would work on, and before Adrian knew it class was ending. -- Billie cast a sidelong glance over to Logan before he told her that Jackie knew about the attack. That steamed her further and her pendant took on a darker glow. Alex would have to know and so would Justin and Randa. This would not end well if the violence spiked as bad as it did the first time. Her mind was definitely heavy, and the fact that Logan had expressed he didn’t want her around Adrian made her wonder more. Perhaps he knew about her flying off the handle last night, but then again he probably didn’t because those who knew had spoke nothing of it. She was sure that it was why Adrian had attacked Logan, to try to get him to back off of her, but what Adrian didn’t realize was that it wouldn’t stop Logan. Just like it wouldn’t stop her. Logan spoke again, snapping Billie from her thoughts, and she cracked a half smile. “Aw… but Lo, my collection is looking so good now.” She pouted, and she thought a moment. “I’ll send one with Clary. Just have to decide which one you can have back.” She smirked a bit before she absent-mindedly took down a few notes during class. The class was an easy one for sure, but Billie still found herself taking notes on it, through her subconscious thoughts. She sighed a bit, watching as Morgan wrote a few things on the chalkboard before Billie looked over to Logan. “Lo, I just need you to promise me one thing. Just one… when I severe ties with Adrian you will watch your back a bit more closely. I don’t want this happening again, ever.” She told him, quietly before Morgan looked to her. “Miss Sanders, perhaps you could tell us about the exception souls.” He said, and she nodded. “Souls that do not go to limbo or purgatory are called exception souls. Their souls are trapped on earth for one reason or another. They either remain a spirit or become a poltergeist. Spirits are those who still retain their humanity, but poltergeists have become vengeful and evil.” She explained and Morgan nodded. “To add to that..” he continued and Billie looked back to Logan. “I’m so ready for PE. I need a good vent.” -- After third period had came and went, PE was beginning, and once everyone was in their gym uniforms, and lined up in the gymnasium, the teacher, Professor Long, was waiting for them with balls lined up down the middle of the gym court. Lucifer and the Arch Mage were still in the gym, but high enough up that they weren’t noticed. Professor Long looked over the class and he sighed. “Alright class, today, we are playing dodge ball. Now, you are allowed to use your powers for this game, but I need to cover a few ground rules. First, for those who can summon other creatures, it will be illegal during this game.” His eyes went to Billie and a few mages, “Next, lethal force of any sort will not be tolerated, and finally, if a ball goes through you, it still counts as an out.” Billie looked to Alex before her eyes found Adrian, she was still steamed, and she took her hair out and pulled it up into a high ponytail. “Team captains today will be Clarissa Day, and Colette Evans. You will each pick your teams two at a time, choose wisely.” Cole and Clary took their places before the group of students and Clary looked to Cole. “Clarissa, you pick first.” Clary smiled. “Logan and Heather.” Cole looked to her, and she scanned the crowd. “Billie and Alex.” Billie looked to Clary and mouthed her something to which she nodded. Clary looked about and picked again. “Adrian and Jackie.” Cole looked to Billie and she saw the smirk that over took her face when it happened. It would be best this way for sure, but Cole continued on. “Jordyn and Randa.” As the choosing continued until the last two were on their teams and they set up to begin, but Cole stood beside Billie whose pendant was still burning dark. “Billie, what are you planning?” she asked, quietly, but Billie just gave her a look. “Leave Adrian to me. Pass it along.” She said, “I have a lesson to teach.” She said, and Alex looked at her. “Billie, what are you going to do?” Alex asked, watching her eyes blacken. “Just have my back, brother, trust me, you’ll like it” she said, and Alex noted that she had dug her nail into her skin and he saw the blood as the whistle blew and a few rushed the balls, but Alex tossed his back to Billie, watching as she drew a symbol in her blood on the ball, and she motioned her eyes at Clary who had just gotten out Justin and she moved quickly as Billie launched her ball, hitting Adrian in the chest, a satisfied smirk on her face as he hit the ground, his body convulsing when he had. What they didn’t know was that was just the beginning of it all, and that if Adrian and Billie were out at the same time much worse would come. She saw Alex throw a fireball at Devin, nearly hitting him, but now that it was on, Alex and Billie did as they always had. Alex tossed her a ball again. “B, you got defense?” he asked her, his eyes looking to Jo. “Yeah I’ve got the both of you… for now.” She said. Now for the heat of battle.