The Universe, it is thought to be the end all be all of everything, and it is supposedly holds everything in existence. This of course is not true, in fact, outside of the Universe lies places that are outside our realm of imagination. Outside the Universe lies some of the most fantastic creatures to ever exist. Outside our universe a bunch of other, smaller universes exist, majority of them only being the size of a galaxy. All of these universes revolve around our Universe like the planets of our Solar System Revolve around the Sun. Some universes have their own little moons, holding smaller universes in them. Before, the Universe never had contact with each other, but now Empires all around this "Multiverse" have the ability to finally travel to other universes, to finally make contact with each other. Will you lead your Empire to greatness, stretching across Time and Space itself, or will you be forgotten across the sketches of history. You are now prepared to Break Reality, welcome to the Outside of Our Universe Hello wonderful people from around Roleplayer guild, it is I, TheSage, experienced roleplayer and Famous Countryball Admin. Breaking Reality, A Tale of the Universe Outside is going to be a story of a bunch of Empires making contact with each other for the first time on this scale. The Number of Universes that orbit our own is well, going to go up more for more people that join, that is unless you decide to make your Empire inside our own Universe which shall be known as Solius Wayos in this case. The whole intergalactic setup of this game will be simple, the smaller Universes orbit our larger universe, this is known as a Universal System. Billions of Universal Systems lie inside Universal Galactos, and Billions of Universal Galactos lie inside the one big Mutliverse. Now we are focusing on one Universal System named after the Center Universe in the System, Solius Wayos. The Gaps between Universes are huge (The Number is uncountable) but that is no longer a problem because ways to travel in between the Gaps between the Universes have been found, those are known as Pontem Tempus. Pontem Tempus are basically Super Worm Holes and they are artificially made by bending Time itself. Now for the parts about Races, and well, you can go nearly all out with them (as long as they aren't obvious trolls) meaning that an Intergalactic group of Bears that where transported from our Earth by aliens onto some random planet evolved and became the dominant empire in their own universe is allowed, but an Empire of Hitler Clones is not. Nation Sheet: Name: Species:(Small Description of how the Creature looks) Government Type: Description of Technology:(What your Technology is based off) Description of Culture: History: Flag: Military (OPTIONAL): Other: Rules: If you have races from Other Sci-Fi Rps that you did I will allow you to use them in this, even connecting the history together. This RP takes place Billions of years in the future so most likely it would be ok if you did that. (The reason is that I saw some interesting races while looking back at some Successful Sci-Fi RPs that took place and I saw some, well, fun races...Ponies) Be Respectful Be Logical No Godmoding Have Fun.