I have finally found my old notes! I'll place the prelude of the RP and the CS information. A group of young starved vampires were brought into the court room for the verdict. The females’ ankles were shackled to other females’ ankles while the males’ ankles were shackled to males’ ankles. Their hands were handcuffed behind themselves. None had any bathes for weeks. Nor were they allowed to use a comb or brush. Just rags for clothes. Each were still proud and unbroken. The females were lined up on one side of the table while the males were lined up on the other side. The jury was in the box. The solitary lawyer was standing behind the table. All were waiting for the judge to come in for the sentencing of these young people. Bailiff came in and announced: “All rise and face the Honorable Judge Bloodlight.” Judge Bloodlight came in and sat in the chair behind his desk which was above everyone else in the room since it was on a platform. “I have heard from each accused. I have listened to the witnesses. I have listened to the recommendations of the Jury of Peers. Now I must sentence those who have not repented of their charges. Grave charges of traitorism of our very own race. Each of you has had the chance to repent and have been counseled in why we do what we do. You have argued and argued which leaves me no choice but to sentence you to Death by Sunlight. Tonight you will be placed in an iron cage. Females in one. Males in another. You will be sent out just before sunrise. The distance between the two cages shall be 13 feet. Take the prisoners to their cages and locked them up. All may mock them but none may do any harm at all to them. They are to be in decent condition to face their punishment. So says the reigning Judge Bloodlight.” Judge Bloodlight spoke in a grave booming voice. He picked up the gavel and gave the wooden block a solid whack with the gavel. The sound echoed throughout the court room for a full thirteen minutes signaling the death sentence could not be repealed under any circumstances. The accused were lead out to the cages and each one was unshackled and unhandcuffed one by one then shoved into the lead cages. The villagers pointed, laughed, ridiculed and had picnics. They even slaughter a huge bull and let the blood drip into a large basin so that the accused could droll over the sight of precious food. Tears rolled down a few faces but none would say a word or look away from the sight. Children were warned that this was what happened if they were naughty. When the moon was starting to fade away and the tiny bits of sunrise were sneaking up, two huge bulls were brought to each cage by servants. The bulls pulled the cages out to the area where the cages were to be placed. The accused were left there with the basin of blood between the two cages so that the sight and smells taunted the accused until they finally died either from pure agony of the sun or insanity, whichever came first. Hours passed and the accused began to scream out in pain. Some began to plead for their own lives but to no avail. As the hours slowly crept and the sun slowly crept for it was the longest day of the year, the accused began to die. As they died, the stronger ones drank what little blood they could get from them. As the sun began to set, a cloaked figure came by and unlocked the cages. He gave each one a bag of blood and motion for them to follow if they could. None even thought of drinking out of the basin of blood in spite of the extreme thirst. Thirteen hurried to the shade where they paused to get a few swallows of blood before heading on…… A few days later at a safe house, each were given a new ID to use. They were given a diagnosis of photosensitivity and they learned much while they recuperated from their ordeal. One by one they left for their new lives either as a couple or as an individual as they decided during their stay. CS: Terms and info that you need to know: Age line: At the time Vampires the children were 50 to 100 years old and are considered teens. Vampires drink only human blood. Vampyres drink all blood types. Name: Age: (Must be between 100 and 160 years old) Male or Female: Vampire/Vampyre: Pure Blood or Half Blood: Persons in the family that wish to locate: Reason to move to Sanctuary: More info will be given if I get enough interested people.