The world shifted significantly as howling winds struck at the Cardinal from seemingly every direction. The mage had managed to avoid his assault as the sword sailed behind him before falling and impaling the sand a few dozen feet behind the mage. Tablurath’s grenade meanwhile blown off course rocketing away to his far left side sharply. Its internal timer damaged with a significant crack on one side of the sphere. Tablurath lost track of it in the ensuing storm, his spin taking him back earthward slightly to his right. He tucked in his feet and crossed his arms as he landed heavily on his right side going into a roll to absorb most of the impact. He was up again in a one knee crouch when he heard the crack of another shot. A barely audible thud somewhere off to his left. It seemed his opponent was now firing into the dark so to speak. The Khazna’s head spun and he felt the impact of the landing on his right hip and shoulder. Nothing serious, but his earlier flash point had taken more out of him than he had thought. The increased gravity pulling on his body. While he had trained under harsher gravity it was still a strain all the same. He also had not accounted for another sand storm so soon. Why would he? Predicting the weather was beyond him, yet something told him that this phenomenon was not wholly random. Dammit! What was he doing? Anger welled up within him. Anger not aimed at his opponent, but himself. He had no time to play around here. His comrades in the lobby were still embroiled in that chaos; he could not afford to stay here much longer. Failing those under his command had been the burden that had sent him into self-exile. No, he would be repeating mistakes from the past. It was about time he started putting some real effort into this. He blocked out the roaring winds with shear mental discipline as he placed himself in his opponents shoes. Tapping into the full potential of his mind. As the sand storm raged Tablurath took the time to catch his breath as he analyzed his opponent. His opponent was in some ways not to unlike himself. Making predicting his next move easier. The given conditions would leave him in a panic, his earlier experience leaving Tablurath to believe the man could not in fact see in the sandstorm. He’d thus be forced into the defensive.Waiting to react to the Cardinals next move given his options. The sand shifted at his feet as he inhaled- exhaling as he rose to his feet. Tablurath’s internal clock suggested that the sand storm lasted no more than a few seconds previously, leaving only a few moments before it cleared once more. He bent his left leg behind him, leaning back so that his right foot straightened. This left his right shoulder facing his opponent. He tapped Serenity against its clone he had caught earlier in his jump. The mibs within it reconstructing to hold their current form. The Cardinal then whirled the single edged blade around to an underhand grip and reared back his left hand. He read the threads of pulsing power, taking aim, finding now a second focal point of intersecting energy like a living artery. Holding his right arm forward and down he waited as the storm began to die down. The winds slowing gradually before finally ceasing altogether. In that small window before the sand had fallen back to the ground once again Tablurath struck. Throwing his cloned sword like a javelin aimed for the mage’s left leg. Coming in at a slight downward angle to take advantage of the increased gravity. The incoming blade would become visible through the dust only a few feet away just as the sand cleared. Likely giving his opponent little to no time to respond before it impaled his leg and stuck into the sand behind in one blow. At only fifteen feet away Tablurath was basically in point blank range, having positioned himself so that the sun was at his back its light shining down in his opponents direction. His body remained tense and ready to bolt forward depending how his opponent reacted.