[hider=Ch’rdili Samep’o] Name of Nation: Ch’rdili Samep’o Species Name: Ch’rdili (Can also be spelt Chirdili) Species Description: The Ch’rdili are a Solid Black, Demonic creatures. They typically stand at about 6'8 feet tall with the Worker Grade, 7'0 for the Slaves, 7'2 for the Warriors, and 7'5 for the Royals. They also have wings, with the wingspan getting larger the taller the higher the class that exists. The reason for the existence of the clear existence of the class is because of how much darkness the Ch’rdili is given at a young age. Ones selected to be Workers are given a small amount of Darkness while the Princes and Princesses are given a very large amount of it. The Ch’rdili differences in Rank also do more then just define height, the Worker Grade for example typically is smarter then the slaves, but are too small to any war. The Slaves are typically used as farmers or throw away troops in War. The Warriors are the Second highest in the class system, they typically all own about 5 slaves. The Royals are by far the most powerful of all of the sects, having access to the Solar Corruption ability. The Ch’rdili are very thin creatures, but they can also move fast. On the top of the head of the Ch’rdili they have two large horns that can range from 1 to 3 feet in length. Ch’rdili typically feed off meat and blood, but if they need too, they can into a state that for a brief time makes them stronger, known as the State of Darkness. In this state, they feed off Darkness but their stamina runs out quickly, meaning that if they don't get out of that state quick enough and they run out of Darkness to feed off of in that area then they well, die. Both the Warrior and Royal class have other unique things with themselves. The Warrior class has Core Destroyer, in which they become solid Shadows for a view seconds and they fly to the center of a planet. When they solidify again, they pull out a Darkness Generator They had with them (Will be explained in Tech) and they set it on overdrive, basically corrupting the center of the planet with Shadow and cooling it to an extreme degree. From there the Shadows begin to creep through the surface of the planet destroying anything it touches. This technique itself has only been had to use once because if they do use it it has huge reproductions across majority of the population, weakening Slaves, Workers, and the rest of the Warriors. The Royals on the other hand have the Solar Corruption ability. The Royal Ch’rdili flies into the center of a sun with as much Energy that it has left and begins to corrupt it with shadow, if it succeeds the Sun becomes a Dark Star (Cause fuck actual science). A Dark Star is similar to a black hole in many ways, whenever something goes inside of it it mostly gets destroyed. The reasons why this might be done in war is multiple reasons, the first is if they need more troops because the Dark Star can produce younger Ch’rdili. Another reason is if they need to cool down a galaxy and plunge it into eternal darkness. This is typically done with the Current Ruler sacrificing his brother/worst son and sending him into the Sun. Lastly, if the sun is large enough it can be sent into becoming a Full on Black Hole, which will eventually absorb the Ch’rdili and the Planets in that System that are close enough to the Black Hole. Government Type: The Ch’rdili Samep’o is ruled by an all Supreme Emperor, and the title of Emperor passes on to the Eldest surviving son of the Last Emperor. The Supreme Emperor is also the religious leader, as they treat him like a descendant of the Black Hole that the species they evolved in. The Supreme Emperor is in charge of Purging Heresy throughout the Emperor and commanding the Military. Description of Technology: The Technology of the Ch’rdili is highly advanced for a species of Warlike Darkness. They have been able to harvest pure Darkness as energy and they have even created a Darkness Generator (Something that produces Darkness, used to keep them in the State of Darkness longer. They have also developed an ability to harvest energy from the Gravity of a Black hole itself, this is needed considering the capital of the Empire is located inside a Giant Black hole. Lastly in this section, they found out Darkness itself can be used as an Element. Going onto military technology of the Ch’rdili they have created what they call shadow armor. Shadow Armor merges with the Flesh of Slaves, Warriors, and Royals and they are able to deflect most Plasma Shots/Bullets. They also have created Shadow Shots and Shadow Sabers. Shadow Shots are a type of gun used by the Slaves. They just shoot out a stream of Black Plasma infused with Liquid Darkness. It can be made stronger if a Darkness Generator is connected to it. Shadow Sabers are a different matter, they are blades of Darkness in a Plasma shape put onto a blade (Like light Sabers). It is the strongest weapon of the military other then the abilities that the Ch’rdili naturally have. Royals have Double bladed Shadow Sabers. The final part of Technology is how the Ch’rdili have developed a way to create a Small Pocket Dimensions for Royal Palaces and Transporting Troops. The Main Palace for Example (Has an upward of 1000 of the Closest Relatives to the Current Supreme Emperor) is put inside the largest Pocket Dimension. The way the Pocket Dimension transports troops is simple, a Scout Ship is put in both the Area the troops are in and the Invasion point, from there, they both activate the Reality bender on each of the ships and a Pocket Dimension is created as a Bridge between the two. Another name for this, used by peoples that where conquered by the Ch’rdili is the Speed of Darkness. Description of Culture: The culture of the Ch’rdili is based upon expansion of its territory. Huge festivals are held each time a New system is conquered. The Ch’rdili also really, really love killing things and going to war. In fact, each time a System is conquered brigades of Warriors play and see who can kill more of the Species that is being destroyed. The ones who are not murdered are taken as Subjects to be put in the most watched sport of the Ch’rdili, it is Gladiatorial battles. In the Home system they have a giant Arena that is far enough away from the black hole to be sucked in by it but close enough to Orbit it. In that Arena they but the Subjects from the captured worlds to fight each other to near death with the Loser being subjected to torture and the Winner being able to survive another day. The Religion of the Ch’rdili is a completely different Story, as they worship the Black Hole they evolved in. This is why of course that the Supreme Emperor is also the Religious leader, they treat him as a descendant of their own God. History: The Evolution of the Ch’rdili come from when small microbial creatures where sucked into a black hole when a planet was devoured by it. While 99% of the microbes died miraculously 1% survived. They began to multiply and soon (as in millions of years) they began to evolve, eventually becoming small, apelike shadow creatures with wings. They flew until they somehow found solid ground inside this black hole. On that solid ground they began to develop a permanent Home, eventually evolving into a creature similar to what we have today. The form that existed on that ground where known as Ch’rdits. The Ch’rdits began to march farther across the ground until they eventually made it to the End of the black hole, the place where Light and Darkness met, the meeting ground of a White and Black hole. Soon after finding this place it was made the Home of the Ch’rdits. It was where they evolved into the known and hated Ch’rdili that exist today. In fact, the Monarchy was established by what they call the original Ch’rdili, the one who was the first to evolve into what we have now. Soon after the Original Ch’rdili began to breed with others around him, leading to the Ch’rdili gene to expand, eventually becoming the dominant gene. Once this happened the Ch’rdili began a series of rapid advancement, eventually crawling out of the Black Hole and entering the Light, and they hated it. When they got out they right off encountered another species that was just as advanced. This Species was a Group of Large, Lizardlike creatures. Right off the Ch’rdili began a conquest against them calling them Heretics and "Lovers of the Light". Soon after, the Ch’rdili conquered its first System. From there they spread like wildfire, conquering Systems as they go, not stopping for anything, and soon they took a Whole Galaxy. They then met an Empire just as large as them and it declared War right off, as they heard stories about this race of creatures. The Ch’rdili advancement was halted during this War of 1000 years but it ended when the Supreme Emperor sacrificed himself by flying into the Star of the Home System. The Star was large enough to set off the Black Hole reaction and the fall of that Empire came quick. From that moment since, the Ch’rdili where the dominant force in their Universe, eventually going to conquer all of it under the Reign of the God King Ghmert’ma. Currently his grandson, Ghmat'me is on the thrown. Flag: [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/4tvz3k.png[/img] [/hider]