Izumi an Taki finished their suicide drills and began to stretch again as they waited. Izumi ever watchful scanned the activities of the others once more. She knew it was foolish to try and quantify any player's style until she'd observed their play at least a quarter but she could form preliminary profiles. She was teamed with the captain an the copycat whom from what little she'd seen were excellent players but worried her about the potential of egos. She knew that basketball was more than skill, it depended on chemistry as well. She'd watched olympic basketball an seen the american team which had more raw talent than any other team in the events fail because of poor chemistry. No this little game they were about to play would have more in common with a pickup game than team play and win or lose chemistry would be the deciding factor. Taki went over what he knew of his opposition, Izumi wasn't going to be the deciding factor in this game that she was in her former teams because she wouldn't be the captain. Taki wasn't sure about Kimura's skill as a captain on court but he was sure of Masaru's ego. There was nothing wrong about having an ego if you were go but only so long as you knew when to tame it. He knew his sister's style better than anyone and had she been on his team they'd have been devastating. Oh well at least the others had no idea of her true talent which gave him an edge. He'd be sure to tell the guys on his side about how she would be quick to shift hands as she dribbled never allowing her hands to become predictable or her foot work for that matter. Izumi's passing skill would be more predictable as well because she didn't know her teammates and would need to keep her ball movement simple which cut down on her back spin english.