Oh yeah, I still haven't done that. What the Chinese soldiers said is actually pretty straightforward. I don't remember the actual translation, and google translate doesn't help because I used the romanizations, but I remembered the gist of it. Basically, the first one was about to shoot Niall (which we know), but the other one came running after he heard that the missiles had been launched. His screams startled the first one, and was simply "Stop! Stop!" if my memory is correct. Luckily for Niall, his surprise made him miss, after which the second soldier tells the first that the missiles have been launched, then says "It's all over". The first is confused, and continually asks why. The second one says he doesn't know (Again, if I remember correctly), and just starts saying "It's over, it's over". Orders to not shoot are given, and the first one asks "Why not kill him? He did this to us!". The second says that it wasn't him who turned the key, and that everyone is a victim at this point. There are probably a few problems with the order I put things in here, but that's more or less what happened.