[h1][center]The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1900[/center][/h1] [h1][center]Kalpian News[/center][/h1] In three Kalpian provinces the state has started to invest projects to increase the amount of railroads in the nation , giving several incestives to the companies interestred in making a contract with the goverment , the people seem to approve the intervention of the goverment as this would create several jobs and establish fastest routes for the factories in our nation to get the raw materials they need to keep producing finished goods and the weapons of our army , aswell the new routes would be used for civil transportation between cities . In total the goverment will spend around $12,000,000,000 for the finished project. [i]This information was given by our transparent goverment[/i]. In other news the famous inventor Dieter Gregor the creator of the famous Mariust/98 bolt rifle has been financed again by the goverment to start working in a new rifle for the army , this is the iniciative of the goverment to protect its citizens from the tyranical autoritarism of some countries , in the military sector this is not all the factories of the nation have too received several orders from the goverment to start producing small caliber cannons and several goods for the army such as clothes and canned food . Continuing the universities in Kalpia has started to admit more students , thanks to two things , first the improvement of the education in the country and several plans to support the poor with capabalities of study to enter in a university.The Colonial provinces has some basic education but this the goverment plan still applies for them so it shouldnt be strange to see some Sarelians in the capital on the future.Most of the people should not be afraid of them because the Native of Sarelia will have to pass several extra exams to incorporate into the Kalpian society. Some clubs in the capital has pronounced againts the monarchy in Survaek calling them corrupts and ineffiecent after the riots of grain in said country , because of this they have tried to talk with the goverment directly calling for their action in sending supplies for the poor in Survaek under strict vigilance of Kalpian Soldiers , the goverment has not given any more information as they are currently discussing what to do about it . [img]http://www.albertmilde.com/img/markthallen1.jpg[/img]