[center] [img]http://www.centives.net/S/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/071612_2342_IsBatmanKee1.jpg[/img] [img]https://confessingcinephile.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/y2h8l.jpg[/img] [/center] New York City but we'll make it gritty and call it Hell's Kitchen and it's the year 2027. The premise of the roleplay is that a new fad arrives in the form of "Splicing", the act of mixing and crossing DNA from two or more different species, to produce a hybrid organism. Commonly, it was done by mixing human DNA with animal genes, so as to enhance the recipient's genetic material. It's like as popular as the new existence of cell phones, for example. It becomes a trend to the people of Hell's Kitchen and most of the majority cities in the U.S. but there have been a number of crimes increasing because of it's effects and the abilities the people could have. For the sake of everyone's safety, everyone's been put in cell block homes (like Dredd) but behind the scenes, there are Splicers residing there. [@AcerRo] and [@Summer Rose]. [hider=Character Sheet] NAME: AGE: GENDER: APPEARANCE: Realistic picture and/or short description of appearance. BIOGRAPHY: What are they like? Who are they? SKILLS: WEAPONS: OCCUPATION: NOTES: OTHER: [/hider]