[h1][center]The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1900[/center][/h1] [h1][center]Kalpian News[/center][/h1] The News about an incident in our colonies are everywhere in the international community , the goverment had to act and so it did , in a largue d[i]iscussion take place in order to decide what to do, after a speech was given by our president: "As you all know the Zellonian monarchy had accused us from opening fire to their garrison , a garrison that didnt do its job , several reports from our citizens in the colonies has told us about bandits and criminals that try to get into our territory to raid and steal , the garrison of the zellonians soldiers there didnt do anything about it and so our civilians decided to do something , they asked the commander of the garrison in our colony to send troops to get those criminals and after hearing the voice of our citizens he couldnt say no after all it was his duty to defend them, but after the night three of our soldiers and citizens of our country were dead and we should call them with proudness defenders of the peace.We will admit that those were the orders of the commander of our garrison but we wont admit that it was our fault but instead fault of the Zellonian monarchy which seems to not care too much about their criminals , that kind of things that happens in their colonies only happened four hundred years ago and if the Zellonian people still lives under that kind threat , we should all feel sorry for them . But we will stand firm to protect our citizens and their rights until the end and if the Zellonian monarchy doesnt recognize their rights and the protection we give them , then they are not recognizing our goverment such thing is unnacceptable for a nation of Varius such as ours and if they dare to do that we will take that as an insult to all our citizens ,our nation and ideology." [/i] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Republican_convention_1900.png[/img] [b]* Stand Firm:[/b] If the damned Zellonians weren't harboring insurgents and bandits, this issue would have never occurred. Kalpia stands firm that it's men were not across the Kalpian border. - Kalpia gains 2 Prestige. - Zellonia gains Colonial War Cassus Belli on Kalpia. Summary:Kalpia will enforce its colonial border with a entire regiment of 10,000 troops