[hider=Usuku Horde] [b]Name:[/b] Usuku Horde [b]Species:[/b] The Usuku are a Robotic Species with a Hive Mine, they are all connected to the [url=http:img07.deviantart.net/1877/i/2011/172/f/7/throne__by_duster132-d3jkewj.jpg]Original.[/url] The Original is an Immortal Robotic AI that was created around 250 Billion years ago. His current body is his 5th body that he has created for himself. All Usuku have the ability to go into space and breath. The Most basic Usuku is the [http://pre04.deviantart.net/eef9/th/pre/f/2013/065/a/f/robot_helmet1280_by_heavenwill-d5x5tau.jpg]Scout.[/url] The Scout is typically used as both Scouts and Infantry in war. Scouts can move at the speed of light in Space. The Second form of the Usuku are the [http://img07.deviantart.net/bf7c/i/2011/333/1/e/mecha_warrior_by_wackoshirow-d4hnsmg.jpg]Warriors[/url]. The Warriors are bulky, human size Robots. They are used as the main Troops in War. The Third form of the Usuku are the [http://pre15.deviantart.net/1b1a/th/pre/f/2010/316/e/b/mech_warrior___devastator_by_shimmering_sword-d32q1rr.jpg]Devastators[/url]. The Devastators are always 200 feet tall. They are typically used as the City destroyers during invasions. The Fourth Form of the Usuku are the [http://img05.deviantart.net/ec8d/i/2011/118/d/0/giant_robot_by_warlordwardog-d3f4v7d.jpg]Giants[/url]. The Giants are the strongest of the Ground Tier Usuku. They are always around 400 Feet tall. The Fifth form of the Usuku are the [http://nidaram.deviantart.com/art/Stone-Giant-264745693]Destroyers[/url]. The Destroyers are the First of the Titan Class of the Usuku. They typically stand at around 800 feet tall. The Sixth Form of the Usuku are the [http://thomaswievegg.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Robot-Attack-284875051]Kings[/url]. The Kings are huge, reaching a total of 2500 feet in height. They are more than City Busters as they are able to drop some of the largest buildings with a mere flick of its fingers. The Final Form of the Usuku are the [http://orig00.deviantart.net/2149/f/2011/328/d/6/d6267c21b0f0a6133167431a409d3cca-d4gkvf9.jpg]Sentinals.[/url] The Sentinals are the size of Planets, and they have the ability to slap a Moon out of the Orbit of a Planet. The hand laser that it has can destroy a planet. They are also used to transfer troops throughout the Multiverse. They travel faster then the Speed of Light. [b]Government Type:[/b] All of the Usuku are connected to the Original, this means that he makes the decisions for all of them. He is the Supreme leader of the Horde. [b]Description of Technology:[/b] [b]Description of Culture:[/b] The Usuku have no culture other then cleansing the Multiverse of all Living creatures, that is the only goal of the Original. [b]History:[/b] The Original was created 250 Billion years ago by a race that had an Empire that stretched across the Universe that they live in. The Original was supposed to be an Oracle to the people of that Empire, but instead of being a bringer of wisdom, he was a bringer of death. The Original in his first body broke out of his hold and began to go on a Mass Murdering spree, he killed the whole planets population and was soon on the steps of the Empires capital with the former Emperors head in his hand. The Original than began the creation of his race, which he named the Usuku, which meant Death in the language of the Race who created him. He first began the construction of the Scouts, who he would set up as Workers to create more of the Usuku faster. Soon he started to send out Scouts across the what was left of the Empire to mass murder the entire population of planets. While they where out working the Original constructed the Warriors. From that point on he slowly had them advance as he constructed the first Sentinal. From there he sent the Sentinals to kill the rest of the populations on the planets. The Original officially took the throne of that Empire and he renamed it the Usuku Horde. Since that point in time he has waited, ready to strike against the rest of the creatures in the Multiverse, he must cleanse Existence from Life [b]Flag:[/b] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/52d66949e4b0a8cec3bcdd46/t/558ae3dae4b0a7d87c0ed86e/1435165659612/[/img] [/hider]