[quote=@ayzrules] That awkward moment when you're not supposed to know what the people are saying but you know how to speak chinese :D and pardon me if i'm wrong, but i think (in the exact order) it's something like: no! no! they launched the nuclear missiles! it's over! the nuclear missile? why? why would they do that? america launched them, and then russia. it's over, it's over... why? i don't know! as long as they don't kill him why? they killed all of our people! every person! they killed everyone! he didn't do this! it was his government. put the gun down! *this is not directly translated, more like interpreted* [/quote] That seems about right, I'm honestly surprised you actually managed to get something out of it. Because nobody I know knows Chinese, so I used Google Translate. Nice to know it's somewhat coherent.