So ages ago on another forum I used to frequent, I saw a RP where the plot and characters were already outlined for everyone to choose from. RP'ers would merely pick one and fill the shoes, however, there was a twist. These characters were not named, and besides a 8 paragraph exposition on everyone, all were simply assigned a color. [color=ed1c24]He[/color] was a shy boy, only a freshman, yet he had a crush on [color=39b54a]her[/color]. And so on. By using this format, it gave the players a chance to create characters around a plot and practice writing characters as if they were close with no actual experience writing them together beforehand. I was very impressed, but was too late to get the chance to take part at the time. Since then, the idea has stuck with me and I've considered frequently how I could use it. How I could improve it. I thought what if these were all people who had dreams, and in their dreams they saw the others only for their colors and saw bits and pieces of how the others days worked? Or perhaps simply one see's and must tie together the evidence to solve a mystery in a who-dunnit sort of scenario? The largest obstacle however has always been the scale of such an RP. To hide identities, you need false identities. Characters who are not colors, colors who are not the murderer(or whatever) but who are significant, as well as a system with which to present information and control it as a GM and convey it to the players. Moreover, how would I go about having additional murders/background exposition occur that to be revealed in this format without large tedious background groups and PM's with all members of the RP juggling around? This is not a finished idea, but I'm curious how you all would go about GM'ing such a structure and whether any would be willing to take part. With ~6 people willing to write 2 characters each, I feel the RP will become populated enough without overcrowding, but I have less experience than some with the activity here.