[hider=Wink] [h1][center]Wink[/center][/h1] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Blink.%28Pixiv.Fantasia.T%29.full.1875415.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Height[/b] [i][indent]168 centimetres[/indent][/i] [b]Weight [/b] [i][indent]56 kilograms[/indent][/i] [b]RLN[/b] [i][indent]Abe Sanraku[/indent][/i] [b]IGN[/b] [i][indent]Wink[/indent][/i] [b]Alias[/b] [i][indent]The Source[/indent][/i] [b]Age[/b] [i][indent]19[/indent][/i] [b]Race[/b] [i][indent]Imp[/indent][/i] [hr] [b]Personality and History[/b] [i][indent]Born into relatively poor household, Abe Sanraku didn't have the easiest of lives. Days where he had nothing but plain rice for meals were common but he didn't wallow in misery. He developed street smarts and helped his parents out by working odd jobs. As a result, he picked a variety of miscellaneous skills, some of which helped him greatly. Haggling and flattery worked wonders for cutting expenses around the house. Through a stroke of luck (or bad luck), he obtained his Nerve Gear and beta key in a raffle at a gaming convention. Little did he know this would be a huge changing point in his life and marked the start of his adventures as Wink. Wink was one of the 2,000 initial beta testers and made a name for himself as 'The Source' when he began information broking. He sold information on anything that would net him a profit; quest details, player politics and items to name a few. Though he wasn't the first broker, the vast variety of information he possessed as well as his reliability allowed him to rise to the top of Alfheim's underworld dealings. An opportunist with a quick mind, Wink is that one guy who always ends up coming on top. Known for being calculative and a smooth talker, many consider him to be a completely business-focused person, with people saying that he would sell his own friends for yurudo though those closer to him know better. In reality, Wink is a much softer person than he seems. If it's to urgently save a life, he's willing to dispense information for free(though he prefers not to).[/indent][/i] [b]Character Build[/b] [indent][i]Imps lacked the outright combat ability of other races but Wink had developed a unique fighting style that made most of the Imp's racial traits. By combining the various ailment and debuff effects of dark magis with guerilla warfare, Wink specializes in wearing down his opponent over time. He is a master of stealth who takes advantage of the element of surprise whenever he can. As such, even though Wink's build is focused on reconnaissance, he's more than capable of taking down his opponents. He also has the advantage of being rich, meaning possessing stronger gear than most. «Dark Magic» «Katar Mastery» «Poison Mastery» «Flight Proficiency» «Intermediate Hiding» «Intermediate Scan» [/i][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Ariel] [h1][center]Ariel[/center][/h1] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/R5PnnwL.jpg?1[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Height[/b] [i][indent]162 centimetres[/indent][/i] [b]Weight [/b] [i][indent]49 kilograms[/indent][/i] [b]RLN[/b] [i][indent]Nakayama Akiko[/indent][/i] [b]IGN[/b] [i][indent]Ariel[/indent][/i] [b]Alias[/b] [i][indent]Archangel[/indent][/i] [b]Age[/b] [i][indent]17[/indent][/i] [b]Race[/b] [i][indent]Puca[/indent][/i] [hr] [b]Personality and History[/b] [i][indent]Nakayama Akiko was the pride of Japan. First introduced to the world of music when she was eight, she quickly rose above those who had started before her. Critics and casual listeners alike were all enchanted by the emotion they felt from her songs. An unparalleled genius, she possessed both the technique and soul to make truly wondrous music. Though she may occasionally brag and snob about her success, deep down she understands the importance of hardwork. Talent is useless unless you hone it. A hardworking genius who is never overconfident. She can be frighteningly mature at times, a trait that had to be formed to endure the harsh world of music. From a distance, she comes off as an unapproachable princess but in reality she's still a high school girl going through the same problems they all go through. She had received a closed beta key from her fans and had tried the game out of pure curiosity, the Puca race having piqued her interest. Though it wasn't her intention, she ability with her support song magic made her a very notable player and she was greatly wanted by many of the prominent guilds. Currently, she's the favourite to win the Puca elections.[/indent][/i] [b]Character Build[/b] [indent][i]Ariel would be what you call a specialist. Her outright combat ability is laughably low and she is incapable of wielding any weapon decently. However, her ability to support is completely overwhelming. Skill takes precedence over the stats in Alfheim Online and Ariel's skill with the violin is on the national level. It was rumoured that she was capable of halting over a hundred monsters at once with her enchanting music in the closed beta. «Intermediate Song Magic» «Advanced Violin Mastery» «Intermediate Crafting» «Basic Merchanting» «Flight Proficiency» [/i][/indent] [b]Other[/b] [indent][i]She possesses «Angel Wings», a cosmetic item specially awarded to five returning players who played vital roles in defeating the «Rokh», the final world boss in the closed beta.[/i][/indent][/hider]