[hr][h1][i][color=red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color], [color=aqua]Jennifer Caspin[/color],[color=MediumSlateBlue]Lucille Hartigan[/color]. [color=plum]Trevor Obott[/color], & [color=Springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color].[/i][/h1][i]Written in collaboration with [b][@Defacto][/b][/i] [hider=Breton - Got Well Soon (The Song that's playing at the party)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NShTPAlRy4k[/youtube][/hider][hr] "That's your plan?" Lucille didn't hid her discontent. It was the second time she met with Meifeng and amazingly the second time she had a plan in her mind. "You realize that every time you come up with a plan the one who ends fucked up it's me?" "Plans? Ptttf!" Meifeng made the sound, and looked at Lucille. "Honey, that was [i]one[/i] time. [i]One![/i] You're acting like I did this a million fucking times already." "... She says this every time." Jen noted, only to be ignored. "And who the hell needs a plan? When you get down to it, you just gotta improvise! Leave the thinking to the corporate lawyers, babe." Meifeng said, leaning in. "Either you're out, or you're in, Lucille. Tell me, are you?" Lucille sighed, running her hand across her face. She looked to Trevor who was just staring at the crowd. She tried to say no but instead said yes—she was unable to avoid the glancing at Cindy's peculiar body shape. "Okay, I'm in." "Excellent!" Meifeng said, clapping her hands together. "Now, we're going have to get into the place." She turned as she looked down the hill at the party. She saw the gates... garded by Billy, and Bruno. The Bruiser Brothers. They both had super strength, and durability. Yikes... They aren't getting past them. The second they see Meifeng or Cindy, they're going to raise a fuss. Meifeng quickly looked around. There was no way that none of them could climb the fence without being seen. Using their powers would only attract attention (Which would, in turn, ruin their plan). Then... It came to her. "Guys, come on." Meifeng said as she started a light jog. The rest of the group joined her in her run around the fence. until they ran into the wooded area. Meifeng kept pushing through the bushes. Until they reached the water, obscured by the bushes. Meifeng took slow, and steady steps, and [i]stepped[/i] on water. She took another step, and got the rest of her body over the water without even getting her shoes wet. A little perk she gets from water manipulation. Meifeng smiled as she looked back at her group. The water raised a bit, forming a bubble. "... All aboard the [i]SS. Vuhong.[/i]" She tipped her hat. Without a second of hesitation, Cindy simply jumped onto the bubble. She started twirling her tie as she looked back at the group. "Whaaat?" Cindy said. "I hate water," Lucille objected hesitating to climb the bubble. "C'mon, Lucy, it's cool." Cindy said, sportung that same grin. "If Meifeng drops us, I'm pulling her down with us." Trevor hopped onto the water bubble, he nearly tripped. He threw his arms out, trying to regain his balance. He looked down, and pressed his foot against the water bubble. He giggled a bit, "Walking on water, Meifeng?" Trevor asked. "I'd be impressed, but Jesus beat you to it." "Bitch, I taught Jesus how to do it." Meifeng said, putting her hands on her hips. She turned to Trevor, shrugging. "He's a cool dude, too. How many times do you meet a time traveling stoner?" She casually asked. Jennifer hopped onto the bubble, almost about to fall off, but she was stopped when Meifeng and Trevor grabbed onto her arm and shoulder. "Thanks." Jen said, as she stood straight up. [i]Don't fail on me now[/i], Lucille wanted to say that to her legs. She mentally counted to three and jumped. Her jump was a little out of balance, enough to stumble over Cindy, hugging her instinctively to keep from falling. "I'm sorry!" She yelled with a flushed face. [i]Looks like everyone's falling off this bubble![/i] Cindy thought to herself when Lucille grabbed onto her to make sure that she didn't fall. She looked at Lucille, with her body pressed up against her. Cindy and Lucille looked each other face to face. "... Heeeeeey." Cindy said with a smile. "Mind letting go?" She asked. "Yeah, of course," Lucille said looking around to the fearsome water and letting Cindy free. "There was this time I almost drowned..." She shivered. "What? Afraid of a little water?" Meifeng said, as she knelt down, and started splashing some water on Lucy. Laughing. Lucy just frowned trying to hold her embarrassment and personnal fear of water. "C'mon, let's just get on with this." Jen said, looking around. Making sure that nobody sneaks up on them. "Yeah, yeah..." Meifeng said, standing straight up. She started waving her hands in the air, and the bubble moved with the entire group on top of it. It started moving towards the party, the edges of it that were hidden behind the rocks. "What? Need me to hold your hand, Lucy?" Cindy teased Lucy, putting her hands on her hips, shifting her weight. "What?" Lucy said, followed by a brief pause, "No, thanks." She said looking away. Cindy started laughing. "Alright, we're here. Act cool everyone." Meifeng said as they approached the rocks. The bubble carried them onto the beach, before Meifeng and the others stepped off, and it receded back into the ocean. As a group, they walked up to the party. Which was a massive crowd of people so big that it was hard to discern one person from another. Perfect way to sneak in. "Alright guys," Meifeng said, throwing her hands behind her head. "We made it past part one of my master plan, now it's time for the part where we ruin [i]everything[/i]." "... Still don't know what your plan is." Jen said, scratching the back of her neck. "Oooooh, I have an idea!" Trevor said, raising a finger in the air, with his blue eyes full of idealism and hope. "How about we add a little something to their drinks?" Trevor said, putting his finger out. He produced a bit of his drug at his fingertip, and it dripped down onto the sand. "If they have punch, or food out...." Trevor said, fiendishly. "One drop of this will have them high as a kite." "Not that thing with the finger again." Lucy said with a sigh. "Ehh... I'll... go to the food and... ruin... the pizza and chicken." She said awkwardly and without the slightest idea what to do. "Good, you and Trevor can go fuck that up." Meifeng said, putting her hands on her hips. "You can bring Cindy." Meifeng flicked her hand out. "Hm? You're volunteering me?" Cindy swayed her hips again. "You hang out with me enough," Meifeng replied. "You should get to know new people. Like Lucy here!" Meifeng slapped her hand onto Jen's shoulder. "Besiiiiiiiides, I want to hang out with my first homegirl right here!" Jen started awkwardly laughing. "Hehe... y-yeah." She said, as she flicked hair out of her face. "Looks like it's time for us to split." Meifeng said. "You three do your thing, and me and Jen will do ours." "Roger that, boss!" Lucy said with a salute directed to Meifeng. "Shall we go? I'm hungry." "Yup." Cindy said, sporting that same smile. She turned and walked off into the crowd. "Heeeey, you won't be very hungry after I'm done with the food." Trevor said with a impish grin. Meifeng and Jen began walking in another direction. Jen made sure to keep extra close to Meifeng.